Is there any variation of this build that is still viable?

That build used a Fighter 8/Monk 6/Ranger 6 base. What I am hoping to build (but have little to no background to know what is good and what isn't) is Fighter/Monk/Rogue that uses some spread of classes so that you can splash around a few levels to get the TR of choice from any of the three. I also want some trapping skills. It would be cool to have Falchion as the preferred weapon, but I am open to quarterstaff, daggers, short swords or whatever.

My first thought is to keep the skills up by using Harper Agent for high intelligence and have Strength just high enough to take the THF line, but there's a good chance I'll shoot myself in the foot due to my ignorance.

If the build needs a 12/6/2 split to be good, that's okay, too. Having a 6/6/6 split on the base build is not a requirement. I'd just like to play a "Sword Saint" type character; deadly with their weapon and unarmored. Tanking isn't a goal, but I would like to be resilient enough to not get squished when I solo.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.