I'll never be badass like most of the folks on these achievements, doing R10 raids or duo-ing raids, etc. However, I am pretty versed at stealth and I'd like to think that some of the things that we can do are at least somewhat respected by a tiny subset of the forum community.
So, here is an at level heroic minimum kill run of No Refunds. I don't believe it's possible to do it with any less kills: 8 are required to unlock Glastig's dialogue and 1 red-named boss (Twinight) is required to unlock Glastig's Notebook. Somehow, I forgot to talk to the Shop Manager, so I had to sneak back to talk to him after killing Twinight. I go no aggro other than the two required fights, and killed nothing more than was absolutely required (meaning I didn't kill the security constructs or manticore during end fight) which I consider to be a perfect run. I got quite lucky with Reaper positioning, such that I didn't have to interact with any throughout the whole run, which is quite unusual. I didn't get any Reaper XP (under 10 kills) but I didn't expect it to go perfectly when I entered, so... oh well.