These are two abilities that feel like they should be much cooler than they are. At one time, they were sort-ish broken (back when healing and SP were a huge premium and the game was much more of a "crawl"). Now, they're just kind of... ok? Whatever?
Here's my proposal. The numbers may be somewhat off, others would be a better judge of that. I tried to match how bonuses work in DDO as best as I can.
Key: (current effect)
Regeneration (+1 HP per minute)
5% chance per character level to get 1 HP per round (up to 100% at CL20). Unconscious range is increased by character level, minimum 5.
Improved Regeneration (+1 HP per 30 seconds)
10% chance per character level to get 2 HP per round per character level past level 10 (Up to 100% at CL20), otherwise healing is 1 HP. Unconscious range is increased by character level +10.
Greater Regeneration (+2 HP per 30 seconds, ML 16)
10% chance per character level to get 3 HP per round per character level past level 20 (Up to 100% at CL30), otherwise healing is 2 HP. Unconscious range is increased by character level x2 (32 at ML 16). Alternate is character level +20.
Fast Healing (Epic Stance: +5 HP + 1*CL (truncated to every 5 CL), once every 60/30/20 seconds)
1 HP per round. +1 Healing Amp (Stack) every round*, with a maximum amount of Stacks equal to Character level +10/20/30. Does not reset at all except when the stance is toggled off. Unconscious range is increased by ___________.**
*The reason for the stacking mechanism is to prevent this being something toggled on/off temporarily to get a boost in healing amp. IE, discourage fiddly play/more hotbar clickies.
**Not sure on this one. Could be something like 10/20/30, or number of stacks, or even a character's total Healing Amp if they wanted to make it really juicy.
Comments welcome, on either the overall idea, or the specific numbers I guesstimated.