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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2007

    Default Include Regeneration and Fast Healing in next rebalancing pass

    These are two abilities that feel like they should be much cooler than they are. At one time, they were sort-ish broken (back when healing and SP were a huge premium and the game was much more of a "crawl"). Now, they're just kind of... ok? Whatever?

    Here's my proposal. The numbers may be somewhat off, others would be a better judge of that. I tried to match how bonuses work in DDO as best as I can.

    Key: (current effect)

    Regeneration (+1 HP per minute)
    5% chance per character level to get 1 HP per round (up to 100% at CL20). Unconscious range is increased by character level, minimum 5.

    Improved Regeneration (+1 HP per 30 seconds)
    10% chance per character level to get 2 HP per round per character level past level 10 (Up to 100% at CL20), otherwise healing is 1 HP. Unconscious range is increased by character level +10.

    Greater Regeneration (+2 HP per 30 seconds, ML 16)
    10% chance per character level to get 3 HP per round per character level past level 20 (Up to 100% at CL30), otherwise healing is 2 HP. Unconscious range is increased by character level x2 (32 at ML 16). Alternate is character level +20.

    Fast Healing (Epic Stance: +5 HP + 1*CL (truncated to every 5 CL), once every 60/30/20 seconds)
    1 HP per round. +1 Healing Amp (Stack) every round*, with a maximum amount of Stacks equal to Character level +10/20/30. Does not reset at all except when the stance is toggled off. Unconscious range is increased by ___________.**

    *The reason for the stacking mechanism is to prevent this being something toggled on/off temporarily to get a boost in healing amp. IE, discourage fiddly play/more hotbar clickies.

    **Not sure on this one. Could be something like 10/20/30, or number of stacks, or even a character's total Healing Amp if they wanted to make it really juicy.

    Comments welcome, on either the overall idea, or the specific numbers I guesstimated.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    Item effects can't scale off player stats, only the item itself, that's why scaling rubies only scale on item min level

    These effects are pretty outdated but I think all you could do is just update the values

    Or maybe make them a chance when hit to proc a hot effect, basically like a Vigor Guard

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Personally I would like to see Fast Healing have the time interval dropped from all stacks (1 to 3) every 1 minute.

    Maybe make it; 1 EPL 1 stack every minute, 2 EPL 1 stack every 45 seconds, and 3 EPL 1 stack every 30 seconds.

    Yes this makes the ability "weaker" but it would tick "faster", which seems like a fair compromise, don't want this ability to overshadow Healing over Time spells.

  4. #4
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Item effects can't scale off player stats, only the item itself, that's why scaling rubies only scale on item min level

    These effects are pretty outdated but I think all you could do is just update the values

    Or maybe make them a chance when hit to proc a hot effect, basically like a Vigor Guard
    Give an item a set bonus (in this case a set of 1) that gives the regen buff(s) originally listed by the OP.

    I always thought, in DDO, that a regeneration effect SHOULD be a % of total HP, and should be suppressed by any fire or acid damage above 0.

    Lesser Regen: 1%/rnd
    Regen: 2%/rnd
    Greater Regen: 3%/rnd

    AND I believe it should autostabilize you and keep working when you're unconscious.

    I think, however, a big change needs to be made to the stabilization process when you are healing over time. I think you should stay down as you regen and play dead, getting up only if you are struck by a damage source or you choose to move with the arrow keys or WSAD... That way you can heal up enough, jump up and beat some monsters! I think the trick should only be usable once per group of monsters though. Next time, they'll make SURE you're dead...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Jun 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Item effects can't scale off player stats, only the item itself, that's why scaling rubies only scale on item min level

    These effects are pretty outdated but I think all you could do is just update the values

    Or maybe make them a chance when hit to proc a hot effect, basically like a Vigor Guard
    In addition to what Certon said, they could also make them feats. These feats cannot be selected, only granted (kind of like some class feats). Then, like the various items that grant things like Fast Draw, Mobility, etc. have the items grant the Regen feat.

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