Hello there and hope everyone is doing great.

I am an old DDO player (started to play it in 2007) and also someone who stopped playing for a looong time (2016). My last epic battle in DDO was against Lolth in the Underdark expansion, so right now I am very clueless about game mechanics, the reaper difficulty, equipment, etc.

However, I am thinking about giving DDO another shot, so I would like to ask for help with a build for a monk character. I don't know if things changed that much, but in my time I could do a decent DPS and also be decent tank with a monk, and it wasm for me, the most fun class.

I have a character with 6 past lives (2 rogue, 2 monk, 1 artificer, 1 fighter), currently being a HElf rogue 2/monk 5 (my racial bonus is cleric, for the scrolls) who may or may not be salvaged for my comeback, depending on what you say here.

I am trying to bring some friends to the game, but since group play will be a little limited for us, I would be doing some content in pugs or solo, so being reliable and self-sufficient is a thing for me.

I also own a small ship, able to hold some buff stations, but since the guild is abandoned for about 8 years, I think I will only be able to hold small buffs.

That said, could you help me with a build? I want to be able to go solo in normal difficult levels and don't be useless in groups running reaper content after I relearn how to play.

Thank you very much!