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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default Suggestions for future passes + continuity complaint

    I assume that older quests will continue to be revamped and updated. I love what's been done to some of the older quests, and have a few suggestions I wouldn't mind seeing for future quest passes:

    1) Threnal - changing the dialogue of the quest givers (especially for the western excavation) to make it more difficult to accidentally reset that chain
    An epic Mantle of the Worldshaper and an epic Mantle/Voice combo (I know that the voice is an artifact, which can normally only be worn one at a time, but making an epic/voice combined artifact would be really cool) <-- I suspect that both of these are somewhat obvious, but I'd like to get it out there, in any case.
    Narrow the level range so that it's entirely one level. It's a short enough chain that it doesn't feel like it warrants stretching over 3 levels anymore
    2) Against the Slave Lords - This chain could easily be broken up into 6 quests without compromising the feel of the quests. Make them so they have to be run in order.
    3) Temple of Elemental Evil - This chain could also easily be broken up into several parts. Part 1 would be the easiest to break up - Make each level a separate dungeon, and make the elemental keys notional, so they don't take up actual backpack space. Then the doors in the basement part aren't an issue, because you "have" them, and can't run "part 1-3" (the new part 3) until you've run parts 1-1 and 1-2 to get the keys. The current Part 2 would be the most challenging to break up, but even that wouldn't need to be hard. Make the starting area a quest (part 4) and each elemental area a separate quest, then the final area where you fight Zuggtmoy is the final quest. At the end of part 4 (the central area) you get 1 of 4 random items that indicates which elemental node you need to run. You can still access the nodes (and Zuggtmoy's chambers) the same way you currently do, or you can go into the elemental nodes as separate quests, but only the correct node quest has the node gem that completes the item that allows you to get into Zuggtmoy's chambers. This would make it easier to farm for the specific ingredients people want, break up the quests so that you don't have to book off a full afternoon or evening to run it, while still preserving the requirement that you go through a specific node to get to Zuggtmoy.
    4) Tangleroot: Narrow the level range. Make the entire chain level 3-4, or 4-5.

    A) In "A Sharn Welcome" the DM makes a comment about you never having seen a creature like the Boromar clan have with them. This was discordant enough with Longtalon being added to the Keep on the Borderlands, but outright rediculous with what I can see of the Isle of Dread being a level 7(ish) expansion. The easiest solution is to simply remove that line of DM text and voiceover from "A Sharn Welcome".
    B) In Temple of Elemental Evil, they make a big point about introducing the pages of the Codex of Infinite Planes and how we don't recognize them. Which, once again, feels a bit jarring since we ran into our first Codex page (and knew what it was) waaay back in level one at the Keep on the Borderlands. My preference would be to separate the heroic and epic Keep quests, removing the codex page from the heroic version and making it House D favor (or something), or just to remove the codex page altogether and make both the heroic and epic versions some other kind of favor. Add a line about how the Gatekeepers wanted to examine a lead and it turned into a dead end, or have House D hire magi from the Twelve to 'port us out there, or house K has been hired to provide security for the overwhelmed Keep. Granted, we're running around after codex pages in the Feywild, too, and that's level 5, so preserving the continuity of that plot line might be more trouble than it's worth. Which is too bad, because I really like how they are introduced in ToEE.

    Thank you kindly.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    I totally agree with number 1especially . Since I don't know how many times I've ram part 2 in groups only to have a few ppl accidently repeat part 2. (I now make a point to just solo the chain partly because of this) and the random staggered quest levels is irritating. You start on a lvl 9 quest on Eastern then the 3rd quest on eastern is lvl 10, then you do western that starts at lvl 8 and then goes to lvl 10 for the 2nd 2 quests. Then after you've done Eastern and western you go to the abandoned excavation that starts at lvl9 and goes to lvl 10 at the end. At least make each excavation.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    Also, on the topic of Threnal, add the Secret Quests to the quest compendium. I don't much care if they are worth 1/2/3 favor each, or if they're listed as favor: (None) patron: (None). But it'd be nice to be able to see that they're there, and what difficulty (if any) I've completed them.
    Last edited by Nevi; 03-01-2022 at 10:44 PM.

  4. #4
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    TOEE split, Your request has been granted.
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
    This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!

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