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  1. #1
    DDOcast Host
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    Default DDOCast 667 - 2022 Producer's Letter

    Guests Arkat, Antha, Propane & Epicsoul all join us this weekend to discuss the 2022 Producer’s Letter from DDO’s new producer Tolero!

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    Game News - 2:20
    2022 Producer’s Letter - 4:18
    Strimtom’s Tolero Interview - 57:46
    Community News - 1:19:57
    Lightning Post - 1:24:05

    DDO Chronicle 457
    2022 Producer’s Letter
    Strimtom’s Interview with Producer Tolero

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  2. #2
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Speculation time!

    Iconic Tabaxi monk - with monk becoming f2p & tabaxi being added as a new race, ninja kitty seems probable to me, especially if there's also work done on the ninja spy tree.

    "new character build options" - I'm not thinking universal trees so much as adding a couple of new racial variants in the same manner as wood elf. Post Isle of Dread, Talenta halfling could be a real possibility & instead of being dragonmarked they'd get a dinosaur companion that functions in the same manner as PM skeletal minion, possibly a multi-selector for a couple of different types then other enhancements in that line giving boosts to them. A Talenta halfling shaman could make for a good druid iconic too I feel, particularly with a dinosaur as an alternative to the wolf, maybe also as special shapeshifting options, eg. a raptor form that benefits from nature's warrior & a triceratops that benefits from nature's protector - ok that's not likely, but it'd definitely be awesome.

    Another good racial variant might be dwarf, differentiating between hill & mountain dwarves, then add Duregar too as the iconic, either sorcerer or warlock.

    More customisation options likely also means additional epic destiny options, eg. artificer & warlock type ones, maybe even a dragonmark of siberys one. There might also be abilities that specifically tie in with certain scion feats for the legendary progression.

    Classic adventure pack - the main ones that come to mind for me are Threnal & Reaver's Refuge... Threnal getting a revamp along the lines of the improvements to the catacombs line in addition to the top level version so they can sort out the flagging weirdness & janky escort quest stuff would be a welcome & long overdue change for what is otherwise a fun chain with some nice rewards. Reaver's Refuge would be another nice one to have top level & stealer of souls always felt more like a 6-person raid than a regular quest & it'd be nice to dust off the old dragontouched gear.

    Returning villain... There's a few dangling threads that could be picked up, I'm thinking Grazzt is a good bet as that ended up with a very obvious setup for something to follow, though admittedly there's a few to choose from at this point. Also still holding out hope for Arboth to discover he actually is a dragon after all - he told us so, why didn't we believe him?
    Last edited by FuzzyDuck81; 02-22-2022 at 12:54 PM.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  3. #3
    DDOcast Host
    Licensed House Cannith Refuse Disposal Unit Technician
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuzzyDuck81 View Post
    Speculation time!

    Iconic Tabaxi monk - with monk becoming f2p & tabaxi being added as a new race, ninja kitty seems probable to me, especially if there's also work done on the ninja spy tree.

    "new character build options" - I'm not thinking universal trees so much as adding a couple of new racial variants in the same manner as wood elf. Post Isle of Dread, Talenta halfling could be a real possibility & instead of being dragonmarked they'd get a dinosaur companion that functions in the same manner as PM skeletal minion, possibly a multi-selector for a couple of different types then other enhancements in that line giving boosts to them. A Talenta halfling shaman could make for a good druid iconic too I feel, particularly with a dinosaur as an alternative to the wolf, maybe also as special shapeshifting options, eg. a raptor form that benefits from nature's warrior & a triceratops that benefits from nature's protector - ok that's not likely, but it'd definitely be awesome.

    Another good racial variant might be dwarf, differentiating between hill & mountain dwarves, then add Duregar too as the iconic, either sorcerer or warlock.

    More customisation options likely also means additional epic destiny options, eg. artificer & warlock type ones, maybe even a dragonmark of siberys one. There might also be abilities that specifically tie in with certain scion feats for the legendary progression.

    Classic adventure pack - the main ones that come to mind for me are Threnal & Reaver's Refuge... Threnal getting a revamp along the lines of the improvements to the catacombs line in addition to the top level version so they can sort out the flagging weirdness & janky escort quest stuff would be a welcome & long overdue change for what is otherwise a fun chain with some nice rewards. Reaver's Refuge would be another nice one to have top level & stealer of souls always felt more like a 6-person raid than a regular quest & it'd be nice to dust off the old dragontouched gear.
    I like the way you think
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