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  1. #1
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Default For the Umpteenth Time: KOBOLD PLAYABLE


    It's time. Time for a playable race that encompasses adorableness and uselessness. Time for a player race to be frustrating but ultimately, rewarding. Yes, it's time for the Age of the KOBOLD.

    -4 STR +2 DEX -2 CON. Yup kobolds are the worst at start.
    Because kobolds are diminutively small, they should get an across the board 10% Bonus to AC to make up for the TREMENDOUS strength penalty. This bonus represents its annoying agility and bounciness.
    +10 JUMP. Kobolds get a racial +10 to jump. I also think their jump hard cap should be 50, though I'm sure there are REASONS devs don't want people to be able to jump that high...

    Claw/Claw/Bite Attack: Unarmed, a kobolds attacks follow the claw/claw/bite pattern, which is an efficient and quick attack cycle. 1d2/1d2/1d3 Crit 19-20 x2. Handwrap synergy might be very interesting with this.
    Unarmed kobolds doing a Whirlwind attack spin around and strike everything with their tail in the animation.
    Kobolds have unique tumble animations.
    Kobolds DIE at 0 hp, always. Mechanically, any kobold falling below 1 hp takes 20k untyped damage. That will assure they die no matter what feats they take.

    Past Life: Kobold: You were a kobold in a past life. Your survival instincts help you, giving you a +3%/+6%/+10% bonus to Armor Class.

    Lastly, the pack bonus:

    For every kobold in a party above 1, all kobolds in the party gain 5% Racial bonus to attack and movement speed, and a 1% bonus to earned xp.

  2. #2
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    I'm good with the above. I do think Kobolds should get +2 Cha alongside the Str/Con penalties. After all Deekin was a Bard and the FvS trainer in the Marketplace is a Kobold.

    Note that in 5e Kobolds just get a +2 to Dexterity with no penalties to other stats. They are described as dextrous and very social. I think it is reasonable to penalize Strength and maybe Constitution however Dexterity and probably Charisma should be pumped a bit.

    Also I see no reason the racial to jump wouldn't work other than potentially winding up in broken places in older instances. The devs could code it as a leap if they preferred on a short cooldown.

    With the number of different races released to date the exclusion of kobolds seems to be very arbitrary.

  3. #3
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post

    It's time. Time for a playable race that encompasses adorableness and uselessness. Time for a player race to be frustrating but ultimately, rewarding. Yes, it's time for the Age of the KOBOLD.

    -4 STR +2 DEX -2 CON. Yup kobolds are the worst at start.
    Because kobolds are diminutively small, they should get an across the board 10% Bonus to AC to make up for the TREMENDOUS strength penalty. This bonus represents its annoying agility and bounciness.
    +10 JUMP. Kobolds get a racial +10 to jump. I also think their jump hard cap should be 50, though I'm sure there are REASONS devs don't want people to be able to jump that high...

    Claw/Claw/Bite Attack: Unarmed, a kobolds attacks follow the claw/claw/bite pattern, which is an efficient and quick attack cycle. 1d2/1d2/1d3 Crit 19-20 x2. Handwrap synergy might be very interesting with this.
    Unarmed kobolds doing a Whirlwind attack spin around and strike everything with their tail in the animation.
    Kobolds have unique tumble animations.
    Kobolds DIE at 0 hp, always. Mechanically, any kobold falling below 1 hp takes 20k untyped damage. That will assure they die no matter what feats they take.

    Past Life: Kobold: You were a kobold in a past life. Your survival instincts help you, giving you a +3%/+6%/+10% bonus to Armor Class.

    Lastly, the pack bonus:

    For every kobold in a party above 1, all kobolds in the party gain 5% Racial bonus to attack and movement speed, and a 1% bonus to earned xp.

    Pretty much rubbish from start to end and IMO rule breaking.
    Nett -4 on stats breaks badly.
    small gives an AC bonus already Gnomes, halflings have that.
    +10 to jump whoop de doo.
    Stupid auto-death at 0hp. rules breaking
    Not an attractive race to play for any class.

    very poor ideas.

  4. #4
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    Pretty much rubbish from start to end and IMO rule breaking.
    Nett -4 on stats breaks badly.
    small gives an AC bonus already Gnomes, halflings have that.
    +10 to jump whoop de doo.
    Stupid auto-death at 0hp. rules breaking
    Not an attractive race to play for any class.

    very poor ideas.
    lol the whole idea is that they are supposed to be a challenge, not an attractive option. For racial completionists, kobold would be a hurdle to clear instead of another mindless grind. the % racial PL bonus is unique and useful in the long run, and AC-specced kobolds with 3 rPLs would get a massive 20% armor bonus. this, combined with Combat Expertise would give a warrior a 30% armor bonus, and for a kobold monk, combine this with Ultimate Mountain stance and they would get a 50% bonus to all AC sources. Super kobold is right. The stat negatives are negligible at high enough levels, especially if you neutralize them with tomes.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    Let’s not turn a running forum JOKE into a campaign.

  6. #6
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeneralDiomedes View Post
    Let’s not turn a running forum JOKE into a campaign.
    Kobolds. Because DDO needs them.

  7. #7
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Default No

    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    Kobolds. Because DDO needs them.
    Yes!!! 8)

  9. #9
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    I want to build a 50000HP trash mob koblod, already in the game, so I should be able to do the same thing.

  10. #10
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    With those racials... no.

  11. #11
    Ice Drakeling digital_terror1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post

    It's time. Time for a playable race that encompasses adorableness and uselessness. Time for a player race to be frustrating but ultimately, rewarding. Yes, it's time for the Age of the KOBOLD.

    -4 STR +2 DEX -2 CON. Yup kobolds are the worst at start.
    Because kobolds are diminutively small, they should get an across the board 10% Bonus to AC to make up for the TREMENDOUS strength penalty. This bonus represents its annoying agility and bounciness.
    +10 JUMP. Kobolds get a racial +10 to jump. I also think their jump hard cap should be 50, though I'm sure there are REASONS devs don't want people to be able to jump that high...

    Claw/Claw/Bite Attack: Unarmed, a kobolds attacks follow the claw/claw/bite pattern, which is an efficient and quick attack cycle. 1d2/1d2/1d3 Crit 19-20 x2. Handwrap synergy might be very interesting with this.
    Unarmed kobolds doing a Whirlwind attack spin around and strike everything with their tail in the animation.
    Kobolds have unique tumble animations.
    Kobolds DIE at 0 hp, always. Mechanically, any kobold falling below 1 hp takes 20k untyped damage. That will assure they die no matter what feats they take.

    Past Life: Kobold: You were a kobold in a past life. Your survival instincts help you, giving you a +3%/+6%/+10% bonus to Armor Class.

    Lastly, the pack bonus:

    For every kobold in a party above 1, all kobolds in the party gain 5% Racial bonus to attack and movement speed, and a 1% bonus to earned xp.

    We absolutely DO need the kobold playable race. If the devs are concerned about how weak the race is, then they could give us the Koldemar Kobold (kobold kings) variant. They lose the con penalty and most of the strength penalty, and gain a cha bonus.

    +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength: Koldemar are just enough larger than their kobold cousins to be
    slightly stronger and remain just as quick, but they have significantly more endurance and force of

    As for an example of this race ALREADY IN THE GAME, just look at the kobolds in Enter the Kobold. The "Paragon" kobolds are Koldemar.

    As for the claw/claw/bite, you have the wrong crit stats for that. It should be 20/x2 which is standard for most claw and bite attacks. Some few exceptions, like wolves, exist but for the most part nat attacks have just the 5% crit chance.

    As for the 10% armor bonus for being a kobold...that's as much due to their scales (natural armor) as their Yoda-like bounciness in combat...and I think it would be a good idea. Alternately, no bonus if you're the only kobold, but you'd get +2% AC for every other kobold in your group...kobolds tend to work in packs. 6 kobold players in the group would give you the +10%

    Autodeath at 0 hp was removed from undead players. Would be a bad idea to add it back in for kobolds.

  12. #12
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    If you know this suggestion is half-joke and more or less a non-starter with the devs...then suggesting it "umpteen" times seems like its more on you than them...

  13. #13
    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Default I'm 100% for Kobold Iconic Sorc

    Racial Kobold Paragon

    2 Lines

    Shamanistic (Minimal use of Divine Spells even as a Arcane, Buffs)

    Dragonblood (Bonuses to flanking, melee and access to Dragon Elemental boosts)


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