Tomes of Learning/Greater Learning

Get these. They are great first time XP and never expire. Get the Greater Tome especially if you're planning to TR a lot. It will help TONS.

Heroic/Epic Voice of the Master, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Experienced Evil, Mantle of the Woldshaper, The Master's Gift

It might not seem like much, but over the course of the journey from 1-30 that 5% xp makes a HUGE difference.

Guild Shrine of Experience I-V

Again, if your guild has a level V version of this shrine, it's FREE experience. Don't pass up the opportunity. Use it.

If you have all those at max, and you still want even more xp, trade in those small and medium dragonshards for xp pots...

If you run out of those, it is FINALLY time to buy store pots.

Of course, if you have enough disposable income and don't want to go through all the trouble to get the above--well, do what you want. This is just a guide, not a book of laws.