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  1. #61
    Community Member
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    Default im kind of lost

    I have not played for years.
    build is nice so to say but at level 4 and so forth i get asked about spells etc
    if I stuff up here i have to wait a week "my god can make new char in that time"
    so would you be as kind as to lay out spell progression weather applicable or not
    for my peace of mind, thank you.

  2. #62
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Craigie6673 View Post
    I have not played for years.
    Welcome back!

    Quote Originally Posted by Craigie6673 View Post
    if I stuff up here i have to wait a week
    I think you're thinking of Sorcerers/etc. Wizards can freely learn/swap all the spells they want, no "wait" involved.

    Just go to a good source of spell scrolls*, buy those and the approp "Inscribing Materials", and follow the Instructions.


    The only spells a Wizard (or Artificer) "must" learn during leveling are the rare ones* (and even then, those are often found on the AH - wait for reasonable prices.)

    (* Only a very few are not available "over the counter":

    Quote Originally Posted by Craigie6673 View Post
    so would you be as kind as to lay out spell progression weather applicable or not
    for my peace of mind, thank you.
    Well, this is a Str build, and Int is geared less (altho' still a lot!), and there are zero boosts/gear for Evocation, so I'm guessing there are not a lot* of Offensive spells. Damage spells with lower DC will be weak without the proper Spellpower boost* (e.g. Magic Missiles = Impulse Spellpower).

    Similarly, the only combat Metamagic boosts can be explained by Death Aura (tho' I, personally, would take Empower/Maximize earlier for better self-healing and save the bells and whistles of "Eschew Ingredients" for last - ymmv).

    Otoh, the OP responds to a question stating he is "mostly Acid based", and Intell has gear (and augments!) supporting it - so something in that direction is going on!

    Quote Originally Posted by M0rfeo View Post
    Q: Are you primarily acid or fire based? It seems your gear is slightly more leaning towards fire, but if you are in the thorn mantle that would be acid? Or are you just maximizing both?

    A: I'm primarily ACID. Yes, you are right my fire spell power is 15 points higher than acid one, but with acid stance I have more sinergy with Legendary Neck and Ring of the Earth from IoD and the Mantle of Nature (Thorn)
    But without a more "level by level" breakdown, it's really hard to guess. :/

    (* I do notice that the gear list does include a Signet Ring of the Earth, which has Corrosion/Impulse/Combustion spellpower, so possibly one or more of those.** Wall of Fire is a popular favorite (or Well of Acid), as even with terrible DC's mobs will take ~half~ damage (if non-evasion) each time they are kited through that area. Similarly, Chain Missiles can be handy and have no DC. Very ymmv, though I would emphasize that you take no DC-based CC spells - they tend to be all-or-nothing, and those DC's will suck. (perhaps a few w/ no DC involved, such as Waves of Fatigue/etc.) Play with the non-DC options and pick your favorites - you'll have ample spell slots and power.)

    (** Altho' it's also possible that that ring is just the best fit to fill the "set bonus", and the spellpower isn't that useful? It would take a detailed study of the vids to tell.)

    Anyway, all that leaves mostly Utility spells, since the DPS focus is melee (and this ~seems~ supported in the vids?). Take what seems most approp - start w/ Jump and Shield, and Energy Resist/Protection, and work up to Dimension Door and (Greater) T-port. Since you'll have few (if any?) offensive spells to slot for most levels, your selection is wide open.

    More, if you know the quests ahead of time, as a Wiz you can drop by any Tavern and re-slot different spells (that are in your book) to suit what's coming. For example, you don't have to have Merfolk's Blessing all the time - but otoh, if you have room and nothing better, why not?

    Here's are 2 sample lists for a combat Wizard - drop most/all spells that involve a DC, and call it a good start:

    Hope that helps until the OP shows and sets things straight!

  3. #63
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Welcome back!

    Hope that helps until the OP shows and sets things straight!

    lol I would have Pind the tail on the donkeys nose.
    cheers mate.
    I guessed something like that but was for fine tune as this is my direction

    I'm using human and its first life build and I adapt {i flushed half orc, I'm on build version were i don't have a shifter :P}
    using these skills as earlier builds lack them and i am way away from legendary "the build is nicely done btw"
    S jump
    D balance /tumble "with balance and (1) to tumble or is tumble better ?
    C concentration
    I spell craft
    W heal
    C use magic device

    maybe op can fill in the earlier versions maybe?

  4. #64
    Community Member M0rfeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Craigie6673 View Post
    WB to DDO!
    Here the spells I use (mostly are buffs)
    1. Protection from Evil, Jump, Melfork Blessing, Tumble, FF
    2. Resist Energy, Melf, Knock, Invis
    3. Displa, Haste, Rage, Dispell
    4. Death Aura, DD, Fire Shield, Solid Fog, Negative burst
    5. Teleport, Energy Protection
    6. True Seeing, Tenser, GH, Acid Fog, Dispell
    7. Greater teleport, Waves of Exhaustion, Power word Blind
    8. Irresistible Dance, Power word stun, Dragon bolt
    9. Rend the Soul, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Power word Kill

    Here the skills I use

    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Yes, mate, I use Signet Ring of the Earth as a part of set and to increase my spellpower.
    During the fight I can reach:
    836 Fire
    817 Force
    812 Acid
    712 Poison
    I said I prefear to stay acid because many mobs are resistent/immune to fire, but I normally switch acid/fire.
    Spellpower is a main stat because your Imbue Dices and your Primal Mantle.
    On Orien: Jhozam
    Ordo Draconis
    , DDO Italian Guild

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