The epic strike Fey Flash from the Shiradi Champion on live (as of 2/16/2022) description and effect does not align with the release notes for U51 and what is on DDO wiki. Is the current ability on live WAI or are there any planned changes to fix it to what was stated in the initial release notes?
Initial Release Notes/DDO Wiki:
Fey Lights: Epic Strike: Cone SLA. Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect. (20 + Highest of Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma + Highest of Enchantment or Illusion bonuses) Cooldown: 6 seconds. Costs 10 Spell Points.
On Live:
Fey Flash: Epic Strike: Cone SLA. Enemies in a cone must make a save (20 + Highest of INT/WIS/CHA + Illusion bonus) versus Will, Fort, and Reflex for a Daze, Blind, and Silence effect. Cooldown: 6 seconds. CC Duration: 3 seconds. Costs 10 Spell Points.
In my personal experience, the current calculation for the difficulty check on live is very difficult to land on mobs, and it does not follow similar calculations to the other cone color sprays that exist in the game.