I have around 10 alts - out of which 9 of them are barely playable given the constant nerfs and adjustments to variety of classes/builds over past 2 years. I do not have the same interest to TR them and level up all the way to level 30, only for Steelstar to wake up one morning on the wrong side of the bed and nerf a class/build/playstyle, making an alt redundant again.
So I request that Ottos boxes be available in the store 24x7x365 and they are 10x cheaper, so I can get my alts back to cap and play end-game (or what is left of it) rather than Haverdasher. This wont reduce your profits, since as I stated above, Steelstar or other devs can make a class/playstyle redundant in a couple of hours work, and we end up TRing to the viable build again.