Why don't you give us inventory, bank slots to store those at all?
Why don't you give us inventory, bank slots to store those at all?
“Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness.
Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.
Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Yes it's time for a character and/or account bank that is as big as crafting storage and searchable! Or player housing with huge chests and mannequins to store armor sets.
Inventory management is my #1 hated thing in DDO :-/ Comes even before lag and bugs. Lag has gotten better but inventory management worse with every new quest pack... when was the last time we got new storage?
Not really a solution, since there are a LOT of pieces of equipment that are still relevant and so many BTC items.
Maybe a partial solution for someone who is done with class PL and only runs a few different classes/specs for racials and epics and RxP.
Semi newer players who are not completionists do not know what they they don’t need, as they are familiar with only a handful of builds. Not to mention every time you throw something out an update pops up to make useless stuff useful again. Glad I’m a pack rat because I have a lot of reaper items I can crunch for mats. I can’t crunch them yet though unfortunately. A month ago I looked at what the bronze tokens get you in the sands, laughed, and tossed all of those away. And even those are useful as of next update.
Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras
Yeah I had a lot of bronze tokens and one day I decided to stop hoarding and turned them in for some random gear to get at least some plat out of it. Big mistake :-/
At least I didn't turn in all the estar commendations, vistani talismans, ferrocrystals etc. Those will be valuable in next update too. (buying augments).
15 Toons, purchased every single bank, inventory spaces.
There are so many BTC items in this game, and I need those on TR to try different builds.
Even spaces for BTA or non-bound items are seriously lacking, too.
I can buy more character slots, but, it causes inventory management problems.
Aren't 15 toons enough? This game doesn't offer any tool that helps me to manage items(search) on alts.
So annoying to find proper items among 15 toons.
Last edited by draven1; 02-07-2022 at 11:42 AM.
“Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness.
Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.
Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.”
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I did that. Now I'm wishing I hadn't.
We really do need more bank space. The whole mule-management workaround is not healthy as it floods the server with useless characters and forces countless login-logout-login-logout-login ceremonies just to organize or assemble gear.
Community Member
I have a ton of gear that, even though I don't use it for maybe ten lives in a row, is either the best at its level for what I want from it or just a huge pain to get another copy of. I finally went through last life and tossed some items that were objectively worse than other gear in my TR cache, but there's still not enough room to keep up with new item grind. It's gotten to the point where I don't bother running new content for gear while leveling because I already have "good enough" gear and getting new items just means juggling them with the old. Now, if I get a shiny new piece of gear, I'll take it, don't get me wrong, but I can't remember farming for items in the last year or so and considering the quite powerful heroic gear added in content like the Feywild expansion or some of the Saltmarsh items that don't have previous "strong" competition that's saying something for me.
I primarily play Zunzyne Siegemaker, and am the guild master of Ares Macrotechnology on Ghallanda.
Reaper Experience Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...ewE/edit#gid=0 (out of date as of U42.4, needs testing for new values)
Community Member
A combination of gear being difficult to reacquire due to the lowish drop rates, diluted loot pools, and ransack mechanics coupled with the gear tetris leaving you not absolutely certain that you'll never use any particular piece of gear on a build. Simply throwing gear away is a short sighted solution that might bite you in the end.
Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry.
Community Member
Community Member
Yeah, I did the same thing, destroyed most of the old Sands loot a long time ago to make bank space. I was lucky getting new firestorm greaves, dusk heart, and ring of spell storing again though. I don't think any of them took more than about 15-20 minutes solo with chest rerolls. Worst things to get again were from Chains of Flame, I wanted a cape of the roc again, but I gave up, that quest is too long to farm. Not worth the time, I can live without it. I saw in your thread that Lammania notes say we will be able to buy some of these items from a vendor soon, that is good news for sure.
Worst item I ever farmed was the Wildwood gauntlets from Reach for the Sky. Ran that to ransack on several characters doing max rerolls every time, never got them. Stopped after I spent 1000+ AS trying. Eventually got several of them just running the quest one time per life with no rerolls. I got most of the raid items I wanted faster than I got those things.
Regarding the OP, yeah, more storage would be great. In fact, just sell me unlimited storage for some ridiculous amount and I would probably pay it just to never need to care about storage space again. I wish they would revamp the entire storage system first, and eliminate TR cache somehow too of course. I do save a lot of loot, especially weapons. I didn't do reincarnations over and over with the same gear. I generally decide if I'm going to play a caster, melee, or ranged life, then I pick a weapon type that I have a lot of named ones, then do a life based on the weapon type. I would get too bored doing the same gear every life, I have to mix it up with some caster lives, some ranged, and some melee...which takes a lot of bank space.
drop anything that is heroic level equipment and craft heroic stuff .
save anything that can be converted to epic or legendary.
I have 40 shared and 10 characters which are close to full because i save augmented craftable
any raid gear I have is incomplete sets and heroic level.
I have 5000 points, all the adventure packs and expansion packs except for saltmarsh, expanded crafting to 1074 and 40 storage.
I would like more shared storage but will see.
you could TR cash a packed mule.
I agree the in and out of the log in without organization is a lot of server resources.
expanded shared storage would be better.
maybe $1000.00 for unlimited shared storage space.
if your willing to pay $50.00 for a ottos box to fast zerg TR leveling then who knows what your willing to pay for unlimited shared storage space.
Last edited by archest; 02-08-2022 at 07:30 AM.
Yes, but even that is a big improvement. Arkat's thread says he spent a lot of time and AS trying to get Firestorm Greaves, and didn't get them unfortunately. Being able to buy some of that stuff will just save a lot of time. I wish we could buy the Chains of Flame loot too since I don't like running that quest, but we can't have everything I guess. I'm curious to see what the vendor charges for the loot when it goes live.
Absolutely it does
You might want to check your sources on that information
Last edited by Oxarhamar; 02-08-2022 at 04:55 PM.