"Kobold remember Waterworks!"
"Kobold remember Waterworks!"
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Made in Sharn
Ghallanda (38): Vilas, Alphon, Whelm, Thaylan, Tyclmi, Amgine, Talc, Dedlee, Payle, Darell, Talenta, Zhen, Thrane, Arrith, Durdyn, Magefyre, Necrophil, Tulgey, Borogove, Hasugi, Shawal, Hailestorm, Branthan, Lightningbug, Bettercall, Elecktric, Zardu, Zergworthy, BrotherOf, Missadventer, Bytemy, Demogeorgia, Tizen, Warrcore, Permadeaf, Fullmettle, etc...
Vorpal - handle with care.
Dungeon delving is an inherently dangerous activity. The Acme Sword Company assumes no responsibility for injury or death occurring during the use of their swords.
I am an archer and I honestly don't have a sword. The last time I used one my character died, so I swore I'd never use one again.
There is fine print on the hilt of your sword that reads: Chunchunmaru
"Holy Blade - Please don't use for cutting cheese."
Not to be used on oozes!
Just awestruck, whether it be a Dragon flying overhead Stormreach, that glowing character who just zoomed in'n'out of the Pub or that I can drink a Beholder under the table and best of all rescuing Damsels in distress.
Character. Alivef was 1 x heroic completionist now I need Alchemist (+I have few more heroic pl's) 1 x epic completionist, 1 iconic Shadar Kai x 3. Gnome+Drow x3 racial pl's.
Server Thelanis x
There is fine print on the hilt of your sword that reads: Bad **
Reference: @2:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubyo5eZz_Jc
+ Cannith ++ Csodaszarvas ++ Mcmlxxxvi + Ezredes + Giliszta + Halacska +
The Greatsword, when you absolutely, positively have to kill every ‘kobold’ in the room, accept no substitutes.
Khyber: Baeylan, various Annarras
Handle with care! Item may spontaneously explode in your hands.
Holy Sword of Antioch, incase of emergencies remove pummel stone and thou shalt count to three, no more no less, three shall be the number thou shalt count then lobbest thy sword at thine enemies. Four thou shall not count!
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Caution, your opponents are more dangerous than they may appear.
"There is fine print on the hilt of your sword that reads: _____."
Durability: 85/85