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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Default Stat Damage not Diminishing Over Time

    So I was running a few Gianthold walk up quests this morning before the maintenance window and I notice that stat damage was not diminishing over time. So, specifically two cases: 1- I got hit with the disease from Rakshasa in Cry for Help that did -9 wisdom damage and it persisted through the rest of the quest. I purposely did not heal to see if it was going to diminish (since I had noticed it was taking a long time to go away) and it never did. I finished the quest then went back to the shrine to see if that would fix and it did. Case 2- Feast or Famine. I got hit with -19 con damage from poison spell. Same thing as the other where the stat damage did not diminish over time. This one I let it go for a few mins and after nothing happened, I hit a shrine and it healed.

    In terms of data: Lvl 24 character, Feast of Famine and Cry for Help, Reaper 1 or 2 (cannot remember) running solo (no hirelings or whatever) and it was from disease that lowered wisdom (mind something or other) and poison that lowered con.

  2. #2
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Myself and a guildie both had this happen to us in Thrall of the Fungal lord. The mind flayer at the end hit us for cha damage and it never went away. We ended up having to recall because it made both of us helpless.

    Not sure if this is a new or some odd happening like the persistent damage bug as it does not always happen.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Jerevth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Baahb3 View Post
    Myself and a guildie both had this happen to us in Thrall of the Fungal lord. The mind flayer at the end hit us for cha damage and it never went away. We ended up having to recall because it made both of us helpless.

    Not sure if this is a new or some odd happening like the persistent damage bug as it does not always happen.
    Perhaps it's a prelude to a new DDO Store item than restores a character while helpless. Only 25 DDO points.
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