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  1. #61
    Community Member PedXing20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    Virtually everyone I know is playing casters at endgame and have abandoned melee entirely. How and why the devs think an update full of caster buffs and bug fixes + a massive melee nerf is appropriate blows my mind.
    Virtually everyone I know is playing melee at endgame and have abandoned casting entirely. How and why the devs think an update full of melee buffs and bug fixes + melee rebalancing is appropriate blows my mind ...

    Three most populated servers, classes played at endgame.

    Wizard @ ~9%
    Sorc @ ~6%

    Pally @ ~8%
    Barb @ ~8%

    I call complete and utter cattle manure on your comment. You play with melee players who don't like casters. I play with casters who don't like melee. Balanced

  2. #62
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    Lynnabel, if you're reading this, this build is why Red Dragonscale armor should not be nerfed, but rather taken away from ranged toons and casters altogether.

    A build with 400% doubleshot that already does PLENTY of damage benefits 4x as much as a melee with 100% doublestrike. "Dripping With Magma," in theory, should only impact something at touch range. I don't see why it would affect the damage of someone throwing a shuriken, shooting dual crossbows, or casting spells.

    Please consider this option over the current fix. As I have said in previous posts, nerfing something because it is OP with a certain build is (IMHO) not a dynamic fix. Even with this nerf, these builds will benefit far more from this item than a melee character does now in it's current state. You will effectively remove an estimated ~10-15% damage from melee monk as an example, while taking a far lower percentage of damage from a thrower monk which is already overperforming.

    Also, please consider adding the possibility of putting 2d6 sneak damage on the cloth level shadowscale armor. The current armor only allows for 2 relatively insignificant craftable mods, while the docent for example allows for 6.

  3. #63
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    Have you played such a build? Can you give feedback on how well it plays and goes through various parts of the game?
    Last edited by Tilomere; 02-05-2022 at 06:26 PM.

  4. #64
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivorycoaster View Post
    Lynnabel, if you're reading this, this build is why Red Dragonscale armor should not be nerfed, but rather taken away from ranged toons and casters altogether.

    A build with 400% doubleshot that already does PLENTY of damage benefits 4x as much as a melee with 100% doublestrike. "Dripping With Magma," in theory, should only impact something at touch range. I don't see why it would affect the damage of someone throwing a shuriken, shooting dual crossbows, or casting spells.

    Please consider this option over the current fix. As I have said in previous posts, nerfing something because it is OP with a certain build is (IMHO) not a dynamic fix. Even with this nerf, these builds will benefit far more from this item than a melee character does now in it's current state. You will effectively remove an estimated ~10-15% damage from melee monk as an example, while taking a far lower percentage of damage from a thrower monk which is already overperforming.

    Also, please consider adding the possibility of putting 2d6 sneak damage on the cloth level shadowscale armor. The current armor only allows for 2 relatively insignificant craftable mods, while the docent for example allows for 6.
    Even if it’s true blanket nerfs like IPS always spread the nerf around hit those who are already behind the curve & leave the over performing things in place anyway

  5. #65
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    This is going to sound weird, but can you add a strength + insightful strength pet collar to the raid loot list for raiders? They can use it to hit the Tempest Spine levers with pets, so pets have some use.

    It doesn't need any other stats, augment slots, or anything else. Just some raw strength.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 02-05-2022 at 09:15 PM.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    This is going to sound weird, but can you add a strength + insightful strength pet collar to the raid loot list for raiders? They can use it to hit the Tempest Spine levers with pets, so pets have some use.

    It doesn't need any other stats, augment slots, or anything else. Just some raw strength.
    Yes, but would also be a good idea to lower the strength requirements. It isn't 2010 anymore, low population now, lots of people shortman AND fewer people are STR focused nowadays with feydark etc. available.

  7. #67
    Community Member PedXing20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    This is going to sound weird, but can you add a strength + insightful strength pet collar to the raid loot list for raiders? They can use it to hit the Tempest Spine levers with pets, so pets have some use.

    It doesn't need any other stats, augment slots, or anything else. Just some raw strength.
    Druid wolves can already hit that lever in LE with self buffs on the wolf and either an improved summon augment or rage scrolls (UMD 28)

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    This is going to sound weird, but can you add a strength + insightful strength pet collar to the raid loot list for raiders? They can use it to hit the Tempest Spine levers with pets, so pets have some use.

    It doesn't need any other stats, augment slots, or anything else. Just some raw strength.
    Why? You already can take 12+5+2+2/+1 = +20/+21 from 4 aug slot. You can use these slots safely, which still have no other use anyway. 8)

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfo View Post
    Why? You already can take 12+5+2+2/+1 = +20/+21 from 4 aug slot. You can use these slots safely, which still have no other use anyway. 8)
    Augment slots broke for pets with augment revamp. You used to be able to augment a pet to handle the levers, but aren't allowed to anymore.

  10. #70
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I thought about it and decided to leave this comment here just incase the non-official Lamannia discussions go over-looked:
    I don't mind a new set bonus here or there, especially for raid loot, but I am both disappointed and unsurprised that they did not at least use the Feywild Season bonuses on the quest loot and minor artifacts. If anything saddens me... it is that we didn't get more Feytwisted items, which were arguably the niftiest Fey items.
    Yet another "system" implemented in one update and soon forgotten.

    Whatever happened to schism crafting? Yeah, exactly.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  11. #71
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Yet another "system" implemented in one update and soon forgotten.

    Whatever happened to schism crafting? Yeah, exactly.
    This is the way

  12. #72
    Community Member J1NG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    This is the way
    "This is the..." ??


    I'm sure we also have the Devs going "I have spoken" too.

    :: edit ::

    In all honesty though, if history is anything to go by, the crafting system in question will likely get updated and worked on much later on when they get back around to it. As is the case with pretty much all the systems so far other than the guild variety (that was completely removed instead).

    Last edited by J1NG; 02-06-2022 at 09:35 PM.
    Thelanis: Yijing (*Completionist* TR 20 Aasimar Scourge Monk Level 20 / Epic Level 10)
    Thelanis: Pocket-Monks: Sightblur, Peashoote, Jigglypath, Jedinja.
    Invisible Fences, unkillable Target Practice Dummy's, Shared Bank's, Pale Lavender Ioun Stones, the dimensional barrier between Eberron and Shavarath, I've broken them all...

  13. #73
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J1NG View Post
    "This is the..." ??
    You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to J1NG again.

  14. #74
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Last edited by Baahb3; 02-07-2022 at 12:00 PM.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
    Ubique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    IDK, it's a pretty simple list.

    The augments are for sale for pack collectibles + remnants.
    • Saltmarsh (Levels 1 and 28) On ship, next to banker.
    • Feywild (Levels 4 and 28) near Winwood hall entrance, tavern side.
    • Ravenloft (Levels 12 and 28) Upstairs in the Blue Water Inn.)
    • Sharn (Levels 16 and 28) Across the courtyard from the Drunken Dragon Inn.
    • Eveningstar (Level 20) Across the street from the mayor.
    • Wheloon (Level 24) In the Ball and Chain Tavern.

    Also, there is a new Soulforged augment.

    As for feedback: I like the use of pack collectibles, but the additional remnant cost is too much.
    What ingredients are used for Wheloon ? the same from EStar ? I don't know of any Shadowfell pack collectables.

    Also someone mentioned sands turn ins for the non raid gear ? is this a thing, antique tokens ?

  16. #76
    Community Member DRoark's Avatar
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    Default Other Fixes?

    Are they going to fix that busted Enervation DoT change, that currently bypasses DW entirely, and carries empowered champ damage through with it?
    Last edited by DRoark; 02-09-2022 at 07:42 PM.

  17. #77
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    Default Please also fix

    Quote Originally Posted by Lomizir View Post
    Everything seen on the preview server, Lamannia, is not final and is subject to change or removal before live release.

    Hello, folks! Preview 2 of Update 53 is open! It is expected to remain open until sometime in the afternoon (Eastern) of Thursday, February 3rd.


    In addition to the raid and dungeons, this preview features the following miscellaneous changes:

    • Animated Armors should no longer heal from negative energy
    Please check other monsters besides Animated Armors where negative energy heals them constantly.
    I know of: Musk Zombies (Sharn Cogs Arena), Frost Forge Defenders (Fey), and Castle Ravenloft Strahd Portrait. I know I've seen others, so please get most or all of them at once.
    These are quest-breaking bugs for Pale Masters when soloing.
    Last edited by Rockcrusher99; 02-15-2022 at 07:56 PM.

  18. #78
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YTSEsoldier View Post
    What ingredients are used for Wheloon ? the same from EStar ? I don't know of any Shadowfell pack collectables.

    Also someone mentioned sands turn ins for the non raid gear ? is this a thing, antique tokens ?

  19. #79
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivorycoaster View Post
    I think this is the main problem. Pure monks are losing an item that isnt NUTS but adds good damage, for the sake of other builds that are overpowered with it. I think a good solution is to just not have it proc on ranged or spellcasts at all. It doesn't make sense anyway, and that wouldn't take away from melee dps. Those builds have no trouble doing damage with or without it. Handwraps monk is a seriously underpowered build right now. I know there are a few decent ones floating around, but proportionately a much smaller percentage compared to other classes. My undergeared horizon walker was hitting for 100k, they're taking a 6-1600 dmg proc on hit away from a class with a very low crit range that hits for around 15k against a raid boss fully debuffed with shattered device, jade strike and 20% vulnerability. It's a shame. I do OK without it but I will very much miss it. Oh well I guess?
    100k? As far as I am concerned anyone hitting with ANYTHING for 100k is just fine. I have neither raid gear nor Greensteel (very tough raiding environment overall on Orien when I can play) and on a purple Crit from a tief Fire Sorc with all filigree slots and top non raid gear, 9 heroic lives and 18 racial lives, I don’t come close to that. Horizon walker does 100k DPS? Geez I feel like where do you get all that from???

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merrillman View Post
    100k? As far as I am concerned anyone hitting with ANYTHING for 100k is just fine. I have neither raid gear nor Greensteel (very tough raiding environment overall on Orien when I can play) and on a purple Crit from a tief Fire Sorc with all filigree slots and top non raid gear, 9 heroic lives and 18 racial lives, I don’t come close to that. Horizon walker does 100k DPS? Geez I feel like where do you get all that from???
    That particular build is using Ying's 12/6/2 Rogue/Ranger/Warlock HW build. First lifer is hitting for crits upwards of 100k. It comes from a very high crit profile 19-20 combined with favored enemies damage boost from mark.

    I'm merely comparing that to my monk DPS. My monk is literally geared out. Every item is raid gear, upgraded legendary crafting gear, or feytwisted. It has damage procs from RDA and Staggershockers. The DPS output doesn't even come REMOTELY close. I understand that it's a completely different build, different playstyle, and far more survivable.. But the point is, if I were to put RDA on the horizon walker (arguably BiS, along with shadow killer shadowscale light armor,) it would suffer far less from that proc frequency being nerfed. Same goes for any of these builds that inherently do a ton of damage already. I would very loosely estimate that it would lose around 2% of it's total damage output, where as my monk is going to stand to lose 10-15% on a loose estimate. Once again, monk will disproportionately suffer. I suppose that's just where monks are at.. Find a way to make them decent, and some other class is abusing it more.

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