Post new ideas for things that you think might be easy to implement, but would change things up for a future season of Hardcore. Bad ideas are OK.
A few from myself:
- Hardcore Speedrunning: A timer ticks up when in quests. A leaderboard tracks the top players getting to 20 by time in quest. All quests lock 1 minute into the quest, preventing other players from entering for the league so that players can't just enter near-complete quests.
- Item degradation. Remove the ability to repair items on server. Possibly double items from chests to compensate. Players need to constantly cycle their items and cannot easily farm gear for mains, and/or need to save their best gear for scary situations.
- Forced team play - Possibly by only opening quests to groups of 3 or more, or having a stacking debuff for number of missing players.
- Some use of veteran status as a means of rerolling on death to mitigate lost progress. You keep favor collected up to level 4 or level 7 based on unlock status.