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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2021

    Default 17Alchemist2Arti1wiz repeater build feats

    Hey everyone,
    I am looking to knock out 3 deep gnome lives and 3 alchemist lives while getting my feet wet with alchemist. The first life I will rely mainly on ranged with a repeater then perhaps try a more alchemist focused build for later lives I just want to make sure there aren't any glaring mistakes in my stats and feat selections. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated

    Classes: 17 Alchemist, 10 Epic, 2 Artificer, 1 Wizard
    Race: Deep Gnome· · · · · ·Alignment: Neutral

    · · ·Start Tome Final
    Str:· · ·6· · 8 · ·14
    Dex:· · 13· · 8 · ·21
    Con:· · 16· · 8 · ·25
    Int:· · 20· · 8 · ·36
    Wis:· · 15· · 8 · ·23
    Cha:· · ·6· · 8 · ·17

    Class and Feat Selection
    Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
    1 · · Wizard(1) · · · ·Standard: Maximize Spell
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Metamagic: Empower Spell
    2 · · Artificer(1)· · ·
    3 · · Artificer(2)· · ·Standard: Point Blank Shot
    4 · · Alchemist(1)
    5 · · Alchemist(2)· · ·
    6 · · Alchemist(3)· · ·Standard: Precision
    7 · · Alchemist(4)· · ·Alchemist Bonus: Alchemical Studies: Orchidium
    8 · · Alchemist(5)· · ·Intelligence: +1 Level up
    9 · · Alchemist(6)· · ·Standard: Precise Shot
    10· · Alchemist(7)· · ·
    11· · Alchemist(8)· · ·Alchemist Bonus: Alchemical Studies: Pyrite
    12· · Alchemist(9)· · ·Standard: Rapid Shot

    13· · Alchemist(10) · ·
    14· · Alchemist(11) · ·
    15· · Alchemist(12) · ·Standard: Accelerate Spell
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Alchemist Bonus: Liquid Luck
    16· · Alchemist(13)
    17· · Alchemist(14) · ·
    18· · Alchemist(15) · ·Standard: Improved Precise Shot
    19· · Alchemist(16) · ·Alchemist Bonus: Advanced Alchemical Studies: Orchidium
    20· · Alchemist(17)
    21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Wellspring of Power
    22· · Epic(2) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Epic Spell Power: Fire
    23· · Epic(3) · · · · ·
    24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Master of Spellvials
    25· · Epic(5) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Doubleshot
    26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·
    27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Embolden Spell
    28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Deific Warding

    29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·
    30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Arcane Insight
    · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of the Plane of Fire

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I love it. Perfect, Its my favorite class style combo. But i use Inquisitive (max point) with vile alchemist enhancement tree. So I use simple weapon (H. or L. corssbow). Try it.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Have you played this build out? How did it do?

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