Thank you for all the great comments on the Isle of Dread conspiracy theories video! I had a lot of fun making that one and based on the response, it seems the community is really excited for our upcoming expansion... as am I!!
I just posted my Snowpeaks Festival 2022 first look video on my YouTube channel. This year brings us a very Mario jumpy challenge with interesting rewards but fair warning, those who don’t like jumping will hate this one! The new challenge is called Too Cold to Continue and features a little hidden gem called The Immortal Sun Flask that is always there (note you cannot feed it to your sentient weapon after the patch on 1/31/22)
I also recently posted a walkthrough for Danger at Dunwater. I hear a lot of people saying they don’t like this one or they avoid it altogether because it’s so long. In my tutorial I show how if you just stick to the required tasks, this one can be done fairly quickly!
Our 2022 teaching raid series on Sarlona has had record attendance so far. In our 9th year of hosting these special events to teach newer players how to raid, community interest is at an all-time high! If you’re on Sarlona and interested in learning raids, check out the Sarlona forum for weekly event postings and to sign up! If you’re not on Sarlona, some folks have even transfered their Hardcore season 5 toons over to Sarlona just to join our teaching raids. I am streaming teaching raids every Saturday through the winter and spring on DDOstream where you can watch, learn and ask questions in real time along with us.
My Twitch DDO morning show, Good Morning Coffee and Chat continues to grow and we have lots of fun every weekday morning waking up together with a cup of coffee and chatting about DDO in a friendly, casual environment. Hang out with the awesome channel community as we discuss various game topics, answer viewer questions and share a cup of coffee together every weekday from 9am to 3pm ET at Twitch channel vooduspyce.
Thank you for all the support on YouTube and Twitch. Hope to see you on the live stream soon!
Much love,
Voodu of Sarlona