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Reflecting on these comments I want to make some points about DPS versus damage.
The DPS Calculus
A lot of people derive DPS on the basis that they are essentially attacking a training dummy with infinite hit points, no DR, the dummy doesn’t move, auto attack is on and there are no other prevailing game situations that may impede doing constant damage, such as needing to move out of a circle that will one shot you, moving between each mini cluster of mobs, waiting to resurrect a fellow player, player ability, quest knowledge, skills on timer etc etc etc etc. Therefore, commentary that relies upon a simplistic damage calculus model fails to contextualize real situations that damage is dealt and does not afford a realistic representation or simulation of the gaming environment.
Base Damage ratings
Base damage ratings on weapons are an arbitrary representation of the weapons combined base damage, crit multipliers and crit range. It serves only as a guide for potential damage. Generally speaking greater crit ranges afford higher DPS and greater crit multipliers afford higher damage. I will explain what I mean by this later when I use an example within a Lvl 34 r10 dungeon.
Extended crit profiles
On face value it is difficult to argue with those who hypothesize that weapons with a greater crit profile do more DPS. The numbers do suggest a greater potential for dealing out damage. However, consideration still needs to be made in regards to the overall benefit of extended crit range weapons with lower crit multipliers versus lower crit profiles with higher crit multipliers. Remember, the game is not an endless beat down on a training dummy with infinite hit points.
Through my own testing in reaper 10 on a barbarian Half orc I have tested the Baz, Magma and tail and concluded that the Baz is a more effective weapon in reaper 10 for my particular build with the goals and priorities that I set myself as a melee. However, with other builds, ones that may rely on increased weapon attack speed the tail may be a better choice.
In R10: Removing threats fast improves your chances of survival thus enabling you to sustain DPS and damage
The ability to quickly eliminate threats that can kill you fast is important. Because when you die, your DPS and damage drops to zero. I found the Baz quite effective at Adrenaline one shotting red crowned champions and low level reapers on r10. This is very important for the survivability of you and the party in general. Red crowns and low level reapers can wreak havoc if left unchecked. therefore, they are a priority (playstyle).
Now, the same cannot be said for the Tail, as it has a lower crit multiplier and may not hit as hard as the Baz when trying to affect a one shot on a red crown champ or low level reaper on r10. This in turn increases the chance that the red crown will retaliate one shotting you instead, or dotting you badly. These type of realistic simulations should be considered and a contextualized appreciation of the use of any weapon be incorporated into your choice. Don’t just rely on base damage ratings or arbitrary DPS calculus.
If you can get the chance I would definitely spend time testing all the major raids weapons, Baz, Tail and Magmatic and compare the results and ask yourself when testing, did they one shot major threats (damage), does the weapon transition adequately for back side melee on Doom reapers and end bosses (DPS).
The last point I want to make is that you need to bring more than just DPS or damage, Crowd control is everyone's responsibility. A well timed Dire charge stunning mobs will not only mitigate damage but also be a damage multiplier for the whole party. A trip on a trash mob chasing a caster is a valuable contribution increasing the caster ability to survive.
Sorry for the longish post I hope this adds some value to your future build choices and weapon selections.