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Thread: UNBOUND Items

  1. #1
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Default UNBOUND Items

    I know the day will never come where all items are unbound, but how about this idea:

    UNBOUND items

    It happens 1% of the time an item is generated that would normally have a bind status. An item gets the status of UNBOUND. Unbound items can be traded regularly in every way. You'd see them in the AH.

    That's it. 1% of generated normally bound items.

    The DDO store could even sell a Rune of Unbinding (for whatever godawful price they'd mark it up to--knowing them it'd be 4k points) that would make a bound item permanently unbound.

    That's it.

  2. #2


    I would add to this any named item that can be pulled from F2P packs as 100% unbound.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    I know the day will never come where all items are unbound, but how about this idea:

    UNBOUND items

    It happens 1% of the time an item is generated that would normally have a bind status. An item gets the status of UNBOUND. Unbound items can be traded regularly in every way. You'd see them in the AH.

    That's it. 1% of generated normally bound items.
    No. Items are bound for a reason - so that you (or at least an alt for BTA) have to do the work and actually run the quests. There is already enough PTW in this game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    The DDO store could even sell a Rune of Unbinding (for whatever godawful price they'd mark it up to--knowing them it'd be 4k points) that would make a bound item permanently unbound.
    This already exists and is called Wish of Inheritance. See above reply for my answer to the Wish of Inheritance being expanded to completely unbind items.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    No. Items are bound for a reason - so that you (or at least an alt for BTA) have to do the work and actually run the quests. There is already enough PTW in this game.
    Actually, I think the game would become less pay to win.

    Once the market is saturated, players will sell the items for plat. Tax is high for items worth few shards, I rarely bother posting stuff for 3 shards, which net *1* shard after taxes, also premium players only have 10 ASAH slots, VIP 20 vs. 50 regular AH slots.
    And plat is easier to make than shard for rerolls, which you currently need unless you want to run the quests much more often.

    Also even if people only use shard AH for good items, you can then make shards easier too by selling the drops you don't need.

    Doing the work and run the quests yourself.....well usually farming items is not a challenge, you do it overlevel and/or in a farming group steamrolling elite / R1 (any lvl 20+ can enter and get legendary gear)

    I think getting leveling items should not be as much of a time sink.
    BTA endgame lvl 28+ items ok, but 1-27? Too much gear to keep on bank alts. Throwing stuff away and then farming later, once you DO need the item for your new spec is a pain and waste of time.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard1406 View Post
    Actually, I think the game would become less pay to win.

    Once the market is saturated, players will sell the items for plat. Tax is high for items worth few shards, I rarely bother posting stuff for 3 shards, which net *1* shard after taxes, also premium players only have 10 ASAH slots, VIP 20 vs. 50 regular AH slots.
    And plat is easier to make than shard for rerolls, which you currently need unless you want to run the quests much more often.

    Also even if people only use shard AH for good items, you can then make shards easier too by selling the drops you don't need.

    Doing the work and run the quests yourself.....well usually farming items is not a challenge, you do it overlevel and/or in a farming group steamrolling elite / R1 (any lvl 20+ can enter and get legendary gear)

    I think getting leveling items should not be as much of a time sink.
    BTA endgame lvl 28+ items ok, but 1-27? Too much gear to keep on bank alts. Throwing stuff away and then farming later, once you DO need the item for your new spec is a pain and waste of time.
    The last thing DDO needs is more plat in the game. SSG is desperately trying to find new plat sinks - see reaper wings. For characters who run TR lives to cap one of the challenges is to not hit the plat cap every couple of lives because just about all quest loot is sold and that adds up.

    Your argument about leveling items doesn't hold that much water either as you don't really need much for leveling. Who spends long enough at a non-cap level to really need premium stuff? It is nice when it drops but not that much better than random loot. You can level is generic gear quite easily and only need the good stuff at end game and you have conceded that legendary items should remain bound.
    ~ Alco Holic ~ Grlfriendaggro Pizzenmeoff ~ Rincewind the Damp ~ Sunbernt Junk ~ Ouchmy Leghurtz ~
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlcoArgo View Post
    The last thing DDO needs is more plat in the game. SSG is desperately trying to find new plat sinks - see reaper wings. For characters who run TR lives to cap one of the challenges is to not hit the plat cap every couple of lives because just about all quest loot is sold and that adds up.

    Your argument about leveling items doesn't hold that much water either as you don't really need much for leveling. Who spends long enough at a non-cap level to really need premium stuff? It is nice when it drops but not that much better than random loot. You can level is generic gear quite easily and only need the good stuff at end game and you have conceded that legendary items should remain bound.
    People using the AH more would be actually a plat sink, the tax is 30% and is quite high for an MMO. No money is generated extra, when plat AH is used more, it goes from player 1 to player 2 and 30% reduced by tax.

    I disagree about not needing good gear to level.... I tried a life without pre-farmed gear and it was miserable. Couldn't solo any harder R1 quests. Maybe it's different for people who have many pastlifes and many RP already. (older low/mid level quests are easy of course, but not Sharn etc.)

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