I've noticed the wizard has weak sla's, ive got spell power in the 400's and still only do unless critting 200-600 damage on the tier 5 abilities. necro blast and arcane blast dont hit hard even at level 20. even the crit dont get above 2500. im comparing these as bad to the cleric or favored soul whom can annihilate an entire room with 1 sla not critical hitting. i feel that its unfair to not have a good caster build in the wizard department givin its not easy the first several levels at all.

i would also like to recommend a redo of the archwizard tree. make the tree a viable way to play as a generalist. the sla's for each spell school are cool but, the ones that do damage are weak. the spell point increase costs 2 ap per 30 spell points should be 1 per. could be more dc increases either general or school specific. meta magic i think is cool allows the build to amp up. i feel theres not many options or many blank spaces in generalist area. could add scepter spell casting impliment like with the orbs or staffs into build. the spell crit i think should include all spell crits not just force fire cold acid and electric. add sonic and necro and light maybe?

ive also noticed a lack of necromantic spells and have some suggestions for a piggyback off if chose. ive remade some from earlier editions

Level: 3 (Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock)
Components; VS
Casting Time; 1 action
Range 100 ft.
Target: Up to 6 creatures Small or Medium
Duration: Concentration to 1 min.

The spell caster casts the spell and affects up to 6 creatures , all must be within 30 feet of each other. A force of invisible hands grabs the creatures by the neck, and lifts them up to 6-12" high. Targets get a constitution save or take 2d12 force damage. Successful save stops the spell for that target. Any creature flying or swimming by normal nonmagical means is stopped, on fail of save.

thats what i got for now hope others support this maybe add some suggestion to help make the game more fun and fairer