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    Default Voodu's 18/2 basic Shiradi sorc mm spammer, cc, support heals, evasion, wings

    [5/12/22 UPDATE]: Just got done playing this build after all the changes to Shiradi. Performance is significantly decreased. It's not terrible and I found it more workable in mid skull questing but falls off in high skull. I'm no longer planning to pursue a Shiradi MM spammer at this time and will not update this post unless changes are made to Shiradi. I welcome you to stop by the livestream if you have any questions M-F 9am-3pm ET at Twitch channel vooduspyce.

    I heard that Shiradi casters were decent again after the epic destiny update so wanted to revisit the magic missile spammer of old. I didn't see any new mm spammers posted so I decided to wing it based on what I used to play back in the first generation of mm spammers of the 2012-13 era.

    I've been playing this build for a couple lives on Twitch my live stream and folks have been asking for the build. I also posted an overview video (Shiradi 18/2 MM spammer with new EDs overview and discussion) earlier this month, which prompted a bit more conversation on variations.

    I typically play hybrid caster tanks and not dc or dps based builds, so I can't really speak to exactly how good the dps is. I'm sure it's nowhere near top dps but it seemed pretty good to me and was a lot of fun and pretty easy to play, mostly spamming Magic Missile, Chain Missile, Meteor Swarm for dps and Greater Color Spray, Fey Lights and Otto's Sphere of Dancing for crowd control. Meteor swarm could be swapped for Mass Hold Monster if preferred. The infinite mana loop from Angel of Vengeance Just Reward was working great. In addition to the crowd control from GCS, Fey Lights and dancing ball, every missile and meteor has a chance to proc blinding and stunning from Shiradi, freezing from Crown of Snow and slowing from Legendary Green Steel Salt.

    Class split is 18 Sorc, 2 Favored soul. This is an epic destiny dependent build so should not be used unless playing at end game. I took the first 18 levels as sorc and leveled as a fire sorc, dumping all fire sorc enhancements at 29 and respec'ing into t5 and capstone Feydark Illusionist. I routinely used Greater Color Spray and Fey Lights back to back for nice crowd control and used dancing ball as well. I don't know what the good dc's are in the post balance pass DDO world but was hitting fairly well in legendary reaper 6-8 skull questing with a buffed illusion dc of 100 and dancing ball dc of 93. Here is a clip from my Twitch channel Highlight: My shiradi MM spammer in LR8 Feywild, Sharn and Dread Sea Scrolls if you want to see how it performs. The highlight was from last life when I had enhancements slightly different but the core is the same.

    I am still learning the new epic destinies and really wanted to see what others think might make for interesting destiny choices for a Shiradi mm spammer. Besides Shiradi I chose Shadow Dancer for evasion and saves, -10% spell cooldown. I also took Exalted Angel for support healing with Healing Pillar and Mass Cure Moderate Wounds and also get wings! Altogether I had 5 heals, including the 2 from EA, Close Wounds SLA from Beacon of Hope, Cure Light Wounds from Favored Soul and Healing Spring from Shiradi. Only 8 charges of Healing Spring so I used that as a last resort and never ran out of charges. I was often playing in 8 skull content without a healer and keeping e1 healed with these 5 smaller heals.

    Feats: Maximize, Empower, Intensify, Force of Personality, Arcane Initiate, Quicken, Mental Toughness, Improved Mental Toughness, Epic Force Spell Power, Embolden Spell, Epic Fortitude, Epic Mental Toughness, Fount of Life, Crush Weakness (someone said this worked with spells, but I'm not sure, Scion of Feywild.

    Screenshots of my enhancements, destinies, spells, character sheet...

    Human just because I am working through human lives. The points spent in the human tree are just from past lives and tomes and have nothing to do with the build.
    EK was just for 10 PRR and 10 MRR.

    For gear I used just what I had: Legendary Dusk Lenses, Legendary Order's Garb, Legendary Aetherband, Legendary Omniscience, Legendary Deepsnow Boots, Gloryborn Gloves, Legendary Shattered Onyx, Legendary Direbear Belt, Legendary Cloak of Winter, Legenadry Battleworn Medal, Sigil of Regalport, Crown of Snow.

    Weapons: Legendary Green Steel Salt and Legenadry Fusible Sceptre of Impulse.

    Wasn't really sure what filigrees to go with so did 5-piece Dragonsoul, 4-peice Coalesced Magic and 4-piece Lunar Magic.

    These were my end game spells. While leveling I took more fire spells, FOD, etc. but swapped a bunch out at level 29.

    This was self buffed in reaper mode, unpotted, with 154 reaper points so Dire Thaumaturge and Grim Barricade are maxed out.

    In reaper, unpotted.

    I'll add more details as I think of it but it's late now and going to bed. TRing out of it tomorrow and still not sure if I'll play it permanently. Might convert an alt to it when I finish Voodu's past lives. Have fun and stop by the stream if you have any questions! M-F 9am-3pm ET at Twitch channel vooduspyce
    Last edited by Vooduspyce; 05-10-2022 at 07:13 PM.

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