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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Basic Caster Druid

    U53 Update:
    Slot Memento somewhere.


    Basic Caster Druid

    All purpose druid played as a druid. Not min-maxed anything. We build a lot of temp mana generation and cooldown reduction into this so you can do a fair amount of anything decently.

    Use EA wings/sprint boost to dash into range, then hit the mobs with Color Spray + Burst of Glacial Wrath for AoE helpless Will+Fort saves.
    This also strips cold immunity, then burst with Tsunami, Dragon's Breath, and spam Ice Flowers for sustained damage on anything left. Finger of Death an archer or caster if it gets too frisky.

    First goal is AoE helpless damage burst, also fast movement through dungeons for zerg leveling.
    Secondary focus on being able to continuously AoE dps mobs down or spam healing in groups without pulling aggro in groups.
    Third, start as close to legendary where rewards are and with strong AoE spells so iconic to avoid leveling from 1, but you can level from 1 if you want. If you do, push the barb and wizard levels to last.
    Fourth, always have spell absorb up at cap and protect charges with evasion. If the Ioun Stone and Magestar run out, swap gloves for more. If that runs out, swap in wisdom augmented bracers since you can only have one artifact equipped, then swap to Saltmarsh absorb artifact trinket with same augments/sentience as bracers.

    Attributes: Max + levels wisdom, decent int, dex, con
    Race: Deep Gnome (or Aasimar/Scourge if you want HAmp instead of illusion DC or to level from 1)(Any other race would also work.)
    18 Druid 1 Barb 1 Wizard (Ranger for Scourge, dropping an illusion focus)

    Level 1: Maximize spell Spell Focus: Illusion
    Level 3: Empower spell
    Level 6: Completionist
    Level 9: Past Life: Arcane Initiate
    Level 12: Quicken Spell
    Level 15: Heavy Armor (for Hruit's Sharn Set, swap out at 27 to Empower Healing, swapping to for evasion)
    Level 18: Heighten spell (just for Color Spray SLA and Salt Ray)
    Level 21: Wellspring of Power
    Level 22: Epic Spell Power: Cold
    Level 24: Burst of Glacial Wrath
    Level 25: Crush Weakness
    Level 27: Intensify Spell
    Level 28: Epic Spell Power Force
    Level 30: Embolden Spell (For Color Spray and Tsunami)
    Level 30: Scion of the Plane of Water

    Sample Gear (or just use what you have) This is a re-usable gear set, in that if you swap the stat focus around (filigree, boots, augments), maybe slaver's item if you need a different lore, spell power augments, spell DC augments, you can re-use it for any caster. Swap Staff to Summer Soltice and gloves to Deadringers for fire/light casters.

    (Weapon) (Impulse, Kinetic Lore, Profane SFM, Moon Stuffs) (Augs: Devotion and Glaciation)

    (Helm) Int, Spell Saves (Augs: Ins. Wis, Ins. Con)
    (Neck) Wiz, MRR (Augs: Hamp, Con)
    Set: Artifact Crit, Legendary Crit Dmg

    (Cloak) Wiz Charisma of Some type (Cha) (Augs: Prot, Illusion)
    (Goggles) Int of some type (Ins. Int) (Augs: Nat Armor, False Life)
    Set: Artifact Stats, Artifact SFM

    (Armor) Parry, PRR (Augs: Fortification)
    Set with Gloves: Artifact USP

    (Bracers, Artifact) Wis, Q SFM (Augs: Dodge, Resistance, Deathblock)
    (Gloves) Sacred SFM, Devotion, Light SP, Q Resists (Aug: Master's Gift)
    Primary gloves and artifact.

    First spell absorb trinket.

    (Trinket) (Augs: Greater Transmutation)
    Second spell absorb trinket.

    (trinket, artifact) (Augs: Dodge, Resistance, Deathblock)
    (Bracers) +Lore, Ins. Sheltering (Augs: Wisdom)
    Third spell absorb trinket, which as an artifact requires we also swap out our existing wisdom artifact bracers, which also improves our defense and healing.

    (gloves) (Aug: Master's Gift + Ultimatum)
    (trinket) +Lore, Lightning Absorb, Ins. PRR (Augs: Festive Con)
    Fourth spell absorb swap, but this time gloves, we can swap trinket out at same time to pick up petrification immunity, defensive stats, and lightning (or whatever crafted) absorb for raid survival, and +Lore for stronger raid healing. Can make a few trinkets if you need for different raids.

    (Ring 1) Ins. SFM, Exc. Potency, Exc Lore (Augs: Litany, Luck)
    (Ring 2), Enhance SFM, Magnetism, Lightning Lore (Augs: Greater Heroism, Greater Evocation)
    (Boots) Qual Stat of Choice (Qual Wis), Ins. Potency, Q. Potency, Displacement (Augs: Festive Wisdom)
    Place for augment set if you have one: If you get rid of prot, natural armor, and false life in Magewright set, you can move Litany, Festive Wisdom, and Greater Heroism from here to Magewright, and slot a 3 piece set augment such as Cruel Cut 15% helpless damage.

    (Belt) Legendary Chains Dex, Ice Lore, Spellcraft, QCon (Augs: Globe)

    Sentience: Dragonsoulx5: Cooldown Reduction, then DCs/Spell Power
    Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
    Dragonsoul: Wisdom
    Dragonsoul: Universal Spellpower
    Dragonsoul: Arcane Spell Failure
    Dragonsoul: Electric Absorption +5% Electric Absorption
    Lunar Magic: Wisdom
    Lunar Magic: Universal Spellpower
    Lunar Magic: Force Spellpower
    Lunar: Any

    Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
    Dragonsoul: Wisdom
    Lunar Magic: Wisdom

    Call Lightning Storm Gear: LGS Dust + LGS Ooze if you want to swap stuffs

    Racial AP if you have it: Wis/Illusion DC/Saves/Spellcraft
    12-0-6 VFK Fan of Knives (Fan of Knives for leveling, drop with strong aoe spells, then bump back up to deflect arrows when needed by cap)
    Rest Season's Herald (+caster levels, maximize reduction, crit) (put more in this in heroics to level with SLAs until you have a strong AOE spell then pull the AP out for helpless AoE gib combo)
    11 Feydark Illusionist: Color Spray to enable Helpless, Magic Missile Immunity/Saves (wiz has shield/nightshield spells for prr/mrr)
    12 Nature's Warrior (helpless damage get after you have helpless combo, saves, dodge clicky)
    32 Falconry (helpless damage, %HP, sprint boost, get after you have helpless combo), if you play R10: % healing bypassing reaper penalty.
    0-6 Nature's Protector (PRR/MRR when needed by cap)

    11 EA Threat Reduction + Wings (Use 8 Shiradi here 20-22 for mantle and procs to level)
    16 SD Threat Reduction/Reflex/Evasion/Cooldown Reduction/Illusion DC
    Rest AP Draconic Reflex/Double Energy Burst/Cooldown Reduction/Evo DC

    Epic Arcane Stance: Cooldown Reduction

    Complete-built Tsunami helpless burst hits for ~4.5k non-crit cold and another 4.5k non-crit bludgeoning in heroics if they live through cold, which is enough damage to instant kill R1-4+ leveling mobs through epic level 26 dungeons, at which point you can stack Dragon's Breath on top. This is on a DG 17 druid 1 wiz:

    40% cooldown reduction eventually reduces Ice Flowers to 1.31 second cooldown, but it takes 1.1 second to push the button and cast, so it only has a .2 second wait before it is ready again. So your burst leveling builds into massive AoE dps sustained damage spam. Wellspring is for Draconic temp spell points, to fuel the burn, staff generates temp spell points as well, so go nuts with metas.

    I went out of my way to make sure threat reduction/spell absorb/evasion was built into this since Burst of Glacial Wrath and Color Spray and Dragon Breath are shorter range and put you closer to harm's way. Level to cap, do some first time R10 or so, then reincarnate back to 15 to reset first time bonuses.

    Draconic Mantle will boost boss/doom efficiency. You can use dots/WoB/salt ray and draconic mantle on evasion mobs if needed. Color Spray SLA will get some reapers, but the high will save despair reapers you will want to hit with Salt Ray or Gust of Wind. In heroics you can use racial Color Spray SLA if you have racial AP and some Int on gear while you build up AP.

    The AP in Season's Herald is fluid, and is used to hold leftovers and to level to good AoE spells. Or you can just eliminate it entirely, and put it all into FI. SH is more mana efficient with metamagic reduction and SLAs, FI is more dps with more crit. Basically, as soon as you have ice flowers, you can strip SH to the bone for the other enhancement trees, and still have enough damage to do fine.

    Example end game AP and ED point spread, and stats that slightly change depending on which spell absorb set you are currently using, ignore the 3 wizard levels I was testing something that didn't work. I was trying to use DG color spray, moving FI to AM to start up master of knowledge stacks, but they changed Tsunami to no longer stack it. This is the lower defense, lower healing but higher DC spell absorb set 2:

    For level 9 spells you want Tsunami, Mantle for water elemental, and Mass Regen. I ended up swapping the paralyze on dragon's breath and 1 rank of maximize reduction to pick up a bit more spell power with Draconic Arcane Studies 3/3.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 11-10-2022 at 05:32 AM.

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