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  1. #21
    Community Member Assassination's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epicsoul View Post
    With the recent Reaper Fragment system, Nebula drop rate, Gem of Many Facet re-rolls, and I even heard 25,000-50,000 remnants thrown out as a possible cost for upcoming augments...player pain or abuse seems to be fun for someone.
    It seems pretty obvious that they believe these systems will be good for the bottom line. I guess forcing chest rerolls, maybe people to buy timer's to earn more shards to reroll etc. Most of us will not do this, and what it really does is make me want to play other games instead. It's a bad look, for a game that has so many other challenges it should be working on. Bugs, customer service, lag etc. Gearing should be fun I think, not painful and disappointing. I don't think they get that.
    Last edited by Assassination; 01-24-2022 at 10:09 AM.

  2. #22
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    I would be in favor of lowering the number of threads per re-roll.

    25 threads instead of 100 sounds fair to me.

    Yes, I'm still re-rolling my GoMF. It is very frustrating.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  3. #23
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassination View Post
    It seems pretty obvious that they believe these systems will be good for the bottom line. I guess forcing chest rerolls, maybe people to buy timer's to earn more shards to reroll etc. Most of us will not do this, and what it really does is make me want to play other games instead. It's a bad look, for a game that has so many other challenges it should be working on. Bugs, customer service, lag etc. Gearing should be fun I think, not painful and disappointing. I don't think they get that.
    I think its this and the idea that the grind will lengthen play so players don't get everything too quick and be done with the content

    I'm done with it already as I'm not beat for chasing randomness

  4. #24
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epicsoul View Post
    This is where we diverge. This is a huge investment for a small reward. When we begin talking months and years to get small rewards, you lose me. Long-term systems like TRing and Reaper? Okay, fine (even though it hurts alts). But for an augment? I'd rather not work at the game I play for fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kza View Post
    Exactly this, so much this. Imho ddo shall be fast furious and fun. Clicking on remnant drops a year for a reward is the so far away from that as can be is my opinion.
    Yeah, I do agree on that. It's silly if you set out to get that number as a hot pursuit.
    You might as well not bother at all.

    And that's what I've been doing so far.
    I just shrug it off, raise my shoulders, say "whatever" and move on playing this game and have some recreational fun.

    The thing is, I pick these remnants up anyway, same as with threads of fate.
    I do progress, albeit very slowly, increasing the number of these items in my bank.
    I just don't do anything with them as I either don't have enough of them or have nothing to spend it on.

    And when there does seem to be something worth to spend it on I have to be a retired pensionado to have enough time to be able to acquire the number set by SSG.
    I just play it for fun, if I get a reward that fits my character at the end of a quest than you can hear three cheers hurray from me.
    Things like remnants, I see those as a mini game where I find myself lucky if I get one of the big stacks.
    The threads of fate, for me, are like a participation-price.

  5. #25


    idk peeps have already burned threads for this insanity so wouldn't it be a slap to them?
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  6. #26
    Community Member Deathwing_The_Dragon's Avatar
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    Default You need to be on discord - lynnabel do not like to be in forums

    Lynnabel is designing these loot systems for the select few discord people - people who have maxxed out toons, do R10 raids with nothing to do and complain game is easy all day long in discord. So first of all, if you want to discuss with her on this subject, you need to go to discord channel. She has openly admitted she doesn't like people in the forums.

    Secondly, the best way to go about these systems is to completely ignore it. Devs have admitted that they wont balance the game around reapers, so we do not need these uber nebula, reaper boost etc for LH raids and occasional R1 raids, or even R8 dailies. If you are running R10 raids, then its obvious you have LOT OF time and money to get these systems.

    But as a player base our overall worry should be the upcoming level cap increase, splitting 2000 odd population across 8 servers across 40 levels, not these loot systems.

  7. #27
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    I figured it'd probably be a good idea for me to put forth a few small comments for the general sentiments in this thread:

    1: (easiest first) Yes, we're indeed planning on releasing some new Augment Vendors in an upcoming patch, something you'll see in the next Lamannia. The 50k Remnants line was (I thought) a pretty clear joke - right now we charge 5x less for a permanent tome. Obviously we're not going to price these augments out of reach - they're meant to be generic and available. They're unbound, tradeable, and debuted as being available in random loot. The intention here is to greatly increase the supply. If we don't meet that mark, let us know, you'll be able to check this out on our preview server well before their release. In the future I'll try to make things more clear when they're meant to not be taken literally, that's something I can definitely do a better job on.

    2: No, I don't hate the forums. I read every post here. Forum feedback informs quite a bit of how I personally handle my designs. In fact, part of the reason these augment vendors are even getting made is the general player sentiment that our newest generic augments are pretty difficult to acquire :) If there's any improvement on that front you all can think of, please let me know. I don't want to give anyone the impression I'm disregarding their feedback.

    3: We don't have any current plans to adjust the random elements of the Gem of Many Facets, but as for other non-deterministic relative rarities such as the Nebula Fragment, its entirely possible that you'll see an alternate way to acquire your Perfected Artifacts in the near future. In the same way that Empty Soul Vessels became alternately earnable post-release of Feywild, we try to gradually open up rare or content-pack-locked ingredients as time goes on. I don't want to commit to a specific method in case we need to change our plans.

    Thanks for your feedback! :)
    Last edited by Lynnabel; 01-24-2022 at 12:27 PM.
    100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.

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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    I think the main issue is here the idea that everything has to be accessible with certainty to everyone.

    I realise this is not the reply you were hoping for but I think its good for the game that some things are truly rare (Nebula frags and getting the perfect Gem of Many Facets). Having to sometimes go with the items you actually have rather than being able to 100% fully plan from the full menu isnt a bad thing imho.

    Not so long ago the ERoSS and the ESoS were pretty **** rare (I had neither) but those were made very common (maybe too common) and thus something else had to take its place as "****, you got really lucky!".
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  9. #29
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    1: (easiest first) Yes, we're indeed planning on releasing some new Augment Vendors in an upcoming patch, something you'll see in the next Lamannia. The 50k Remnants line was (I thought) a pretty clear joke - right now we charge 5x less for a permanent tome. Obviously we're not going to price these augments out of reach - they're meant to be generic and available. They're unbound, tradeable, and debuted as being available in random loot. The intention here is to greatly increase the supply. If we don't meet that mark, let us know, you'll be able to check this out on our preview server well before their release. In the future I'll try to make things more clear when they're meant to not be taken literally, that's something I can definitely do a better job on.
    I'm not on the Discord, so secondhand information loses it's jest. Not to mention, the sources I heard it from sure believed it. And to be fair, the recent Reaper Fragment system makes it completely believable and in line with the time investment required.

    I personally do no care about the GMoF being random; Droid lays out pretty well why it shouldn't be easy. Though, 100 threads is steep to re-roll.

    It's good to hear Nebula fragments will continue to expand drop locations. To be clear: the SM wilderness is the best yet and I farm it all the time and enjoy it. Having Nebula's drop in the expansion quests/wilderness is great.

    Edited for clarity.
    Last edited by Epicsoul; 01-24-2022 at 12:47 PM.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epicsoul View Post
    I'm not on the Discord, so secondhand information loses it's jest. Not to mention, the sources I heard it from sure believed it. And to be fair, the recent Reaper Fragment system makes it completely believable and in line with the time investment required.

    I personally do no care about the GMoF being random; Droid lays out pretty well why it shouldn't be easy. Though, 100 threads is steep to re-roll.

    It's good to hear Nebula fragments will continue to expand drop locations. To be clear: the SM wilderness is the best yet and I farm it all the time and enjoy it. Having Nebula's drop in the expansion quests/wilderness is great.

    Edited for clarity.
    I agree about discord

    Any official information should be cross posted here

  11. #31
    Community Member Merrillman's Avatar
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    Default Context...

    I know we are talking about GoMF, and I too have been grinding (unsuccessfully) to even get one (20+ chrono runs and not a single GOMF — and no threads from Chrono!) but I think there are other solutions — and a lot of credit to be given to many recent changes. I have personally made the mistake of getting overly myopic on an item or destinies or whatever. The game overall is still many years older than most and frankly I think it’s gotten better. There are always new things coming out that make gear changes inevitable. I wouldn’t want everything I do to hinge on one single item, so look for other solutions.

    That said... why not just one choice and one completely random (double the cost)? This would at least make it useful to all and maintain an element of chance and of grinding to get it without extreme ease. Make a timer for retooling that roll, too. Could be more feasible and still keep it something more special.

  12. #32
    Community Member merridyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    I agree about discord

    Any official information should be cross posted here
    I totally disagree, if Lynnabel had to post on Discord, Forums, Twitter and Facebook at the same time then there would be no posts. If you want to know what is being said on Discord, just look, it's not hard.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by merridyan View Post
    I totally disagree, if Lynnabel had to post on Discord, Forums, Twitter and Facebook at the same time then there would be no posts. If you want to know what is being said on Discord, just look, it's not hard.
    I'm not on Discord, and I'm not going to install yet another social media program just to follow it for DDO. Plus, isnt it a live voice-based platform? There's no "look" - and I'm not keen on any AV medium over written word that can be easily skimmed for relevant info much more efficiently.

    Of course you're right and they cant all be expected to keep everything cross-posted on all the platforms they have a presence on. But I think it is a fair request that these official forums be the clearinghouse, and anything of import that's shared on any other platform should also be copied here, even if its not copied anywhere else.

  14. #34
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I'm not on Discord, and I'm not going to install yet another social media program just to follow it for DDO. Plus, isnt it a live voice-based platform? There's no "look" - and I'm not keen on any AV medium over written word that can be easily skimmed for relevant info much more efficiently.
    It's text based (that's fully searchable- there are voice channels but those are just used for people running party/raids) along with areas for LAM stuff, server specific stuff for grouping up/trades, and all sorts of goodies.

  15. #35
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    I agree that 100 threads is a bit over the top, but I guess near-universal support for lowering the cost/reroll difficulty doesn't mean anything and the devs have no plans to change GoMF....guess plan B?

    Give us more threads!
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  16. #36
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    A truly radical fix would be to shorten Raid Time Outs so threads are easier to farm and the game is more fun.
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  17. #37
    Founder Krell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by merridyan View Post
    I totally disagree, if Lynnabel had to post on Discord, Forums, Twitter and Facebook at the same time then there would be no posts. If you want to know what is being said on Discord, just look, it's not hard.
    I agree. Different platforms for different audiences. Plus I think there is a difference between dev chat (here, discord, Facebook, etc.) and official announcement posts like release notes, Lamannia, downtime, etc. that will be on the forums and launcher.

  18. #38
    Community Member merridyan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I'm not on Discord, and I'm not going to install yet another social media program just to follow it for DDO. Plus, isnt it a live voice-based platform? There's no "look" - and I'm not keen on any AV medium over written word that can be easily skimmed for relevant info much more efficiently.

    Of course you're right and they cant all be expected to keep everything cross-posted on all the platforms they have a presence on. But I think it is a fair request that these official forums be the clearinghouse, and anything of import that's shared on any other platform should also be copied here, even if its not copied anywhere else.
    Discord is text based, though there are audio channels that can be used. You also do not need to install anything to use discord, it is openable and usable in a browser. Also posting what is there on the forums would not really be possible because it is a conversation. i.e. here are Lynnabels recent posts:

    Without context of the full conversation it is really hard to follow.
    Last edited by merridyan; 01-24-2022 at 04:31 PM.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    I read every post here. Forum feedback informs quite a bit of how I personally handle my designs.
    Oh, good to know. It's mean, you already read many post here from me (and other users) about wrong provided augment bonuses, like Topazes of Spell Penetration or Sapphire of Accuracy, that must provide stackable Enhancement bonuses according description, but provide wrong non-stckable Equipment/Competence bonuses instead, right?

    It would be very, very cool if you not only read these posts, but also answered them... at least one.

    Sorry for my bad engrish, not native for me. 8)

  20. #40
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    I agree that 100 threads is a bit over the top, but I guess near-universal support for lowering the cost/reroll difficulty doesn't mean anything and the devs have no plans to change GoMF....guess plan B?

    Give us more threads!
    This would also work.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

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