Do I care? no
am I going to put you down because I don't ? no
good luck with that.
no really.
Do I care? no
am I going to put you down because I don't ? no
good luck with that.
no really.
Let's be able to reroll heroics too.
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Devs dont care. Im hoping it becomes as obsolete or at least the cost is lowered just like we addressed Slave Lords.
to make it really MULTI-FACETED
because right now, it's at best a misnomer, because it's a random drop Gem with random Dual sides.
So, change it to MULTI-FACETED by including one of each of the four type of bonuses (VON+Red Fens+Chrono+Sands), keep the random factor [that the Dev's seem to think is justifiable in a crafting system] in selecting the four buffs.
I think this solution should be simple to implement and makes the crafted Gem both more flexible and [fingers crossed] less wasteful of ressources.
One step further, would be to make the upgraded Gem BtCoE for example. I mean, let's be overly optimistic and not be so easily convinced that the Devs just want us to pass our time endlessly grinding stuff?!
Oh lol.
It could not happen, it might not happen, the only thing that's clearly is that it won't happen now or soon. So?
If i type "forget it now" instead "forget it foreva" you be happy... for now?
And... because english not native for me, i don't see difference between "could" and "might" in your sentence. It is exist? 8)
There's a diff between saying "I have no faith that it will happen" and "DDO says it will not happen". DDO says it will not happen soon, so your lack of faith may be justified and prove prophetic, but it's still yours, not theirs.
Hrmmm, "could" vs. "might"... more a diff in connotation rather than denotation (i.e. the "feel" rather than the hard "definition").
By simple definition (denotation), yes, they are basically identical.
"Could" gives the feeling (connotation) of whether something is possible vs. impossible. Could seems to emphasize that either "it can" or "it can't". I could get hit by a meteor while I'm typing this... but I didn't.
"Might" gives the feeling of a necessary (but possibly lacking, or unknown) condition. "Might" puts more emphasis on a (small) % chance. I might be killed while typing this, but the odds are astronomically small. Or on context (a condition) - I might upset people with this post, but only if they have a very different view of how language is used.
So, it could happen, but it certainly won't happen soon. It might happen if/when DDO ever decides it needs to.
(Practically speaking, in casual speech, they are almost interchangeable and few would blink if you used one vs the other.)
Yes of course this needs to be changed to something reasonable and not completely frustrating. I've rerolled a legendary one time hoping for a certain combination. I lucked into a rogue friendly combination and felt very fortunate. I definitely did not continue to try for what I originally wanted. I'll never reroll again the way it is now.
Last edited by GramercyRiff; 05-26-2022 at 12:01 AM.