Hi All
Character has +8 supreme tome and has just completed 1st life as a tempest 20 ranger (currently sitting at level 30 - created 2007!!). I want to crank out 2 more ranger past lives but want a ranged build (bow, crossbow or thrower). I can't remember everything that I do / do not have access to (I'm FTP) but the important bits are that I do NOT have Arti or HW (or wood elf). I DO have Inquisitive, Harper, Falconry (also have shadar-kai, scoundrel, morninglord and deep gnome iconics). I was trying to think of something INT or WIS based rather than DEX and generally looking for ideas! I like the idea of starting at 15 as I do have a wallwatch set as well as a bunch of Barovia and other bits and pieces. Not adverse to DEX build but was thinking without HW it wouldn't be as good as INT or WIS (wrong thinking?)
mmmm other things of note ........ player is distinctly average and gets cranky if he has to maintain short term buffs(30+ seconds is ok as long as there's only a couple of them!). Didn't like having to keep DoD up every 10 seconds
Thanks in Advance!