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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Raid Tier Spellpower Augments

    These would be Citrenes (Yellow Augments) when standard spellpower, they would be Sapphire (Blue Augments) when insightful spellpower, they would be emeralds (Green Augments) when quality spellpower, they would be minimum level 30, and the actual item drop would simply give you a box, you would click the box and select the augment that you desire. This way, all of the augments only need to take up one slot of space in the loot gen selection and rune turn in menu!

  2. #2
    Brains and other spare parts! DeltaBravo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    These would be Citrenes (Yellow Augments) when standard spellpower, they would be Sapphire (Blue Augments) when insightful spellpower, they would be emeralds (Green Augments) when quality spellpower, they would be minimum level 30, and the actual item drop would simply give you a box, you would click the box and select the augment that you desire. This way, all of the augments only need to take up one slot of space in the loot gen selection and rune turn in menu!

    Maybe a trade in for raid runes and or treads of fate.. for the one you want rather then the box thing ? But adding like insight full melee power, PRR, MRR. and so would be a very nice idea in this also.. I dont like the idea you get what you want right when you get the box, i like to earn it some other way or be very luky on a pull for the augment i like
    Deltabravo I have come here to FROG things up!

  3. #3
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaBravo View Post
    Maybe a trade in for raid runes and or treads of fate.. for the one you want rather then the box thing ? But adding like insight full melee power, PRR, MRR. and so would be a very nice idea in this also.. I dont like the idea you get what you want right when you get the box, i like to earn it some other way or be very luky on a pull for the augment i like
    Threads plus something with the rarity of three schizm shards that can't be gained through raid runes?

    Personally, the box system is something I would prefer as it allows for a greater variety.

    Remember all of the times Lynnabell had to remove items from a pack loot list?

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