Hey all I’ve been off for about a year, been playing on and off since 2006. I just transferred 2 of my alts from orien and am looking t starting a new life on a new server. I’m looking for a guild with some good people to run quests with and maybe even learn a few things here and there. I haven’t done much as far as reapers but would like to change that, I think my characters only have around 10rp each. Also would like to get into some raiding. I’ve been mostly soloing trying to update my gear as well as accumulating lower level gear to set up 2 sets of gear for future TR twink toys. I’m not a super “power gamer” just here for fun and to relax, although I still do have aspirations of becoming the best I can.

My characters are Acendenci lv 21 light monk and deathswhisper level 27 light spec caster fvs, I usually play between 7pm and 11pm est during the week and play on and off at all hours on the weekend as I have 4 kids who take priority during that time.

