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  1. #1

    Default Spell Ingredient Bag

    I was thinking about this.

    What if SSG built a Spell Bag in the same manner as cosmetic pets and mounts. A character with the Spell Casting feat gets these dozen slots to put spell casting materials. I know they have stated the problem is with bags, but if it was based upon the cosmetic pets/mounts systems it wouldn't be storage within storage that is causing the problems according to past discussions.

    Just spitballing of course.

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  2. #2
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Well problem 1 is what is in bags cannot be interacted with. It just becomes static storage.

    problem 2 is how we going to spend money if it becomes like pets and mounts? Which is permanent.

    problem 3 is how the spell we going to use recognise that we got the component to cast the spell?

    Do note that I'm fully supportive of spell components bag, I even want a potion bag, tired of carrying around 3 tabs worth of bottles everywhere.

    I think the best solution is to clone the share storage crafting part, it is intractable with multiple systems, so we just need to put everything we need in the bank, maybe spend 1 million plat and buy every known component put inside, potions too.

    Now the question after that is how to drag the icon into our hot bar when its in storage.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I have another idea: Just make omnispell dust drop often in chests. Then people playing casters less often will put them on plat AH for cheap. (see thieves tools)

    Doubt anyone buys them in the store either, the prices are WAY too high, considering how fast you can get through a stack of 1000 if your main spells have ingredients (the omnispells get used FIRST even if you have ingredients in bag).

  4. #4
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    IMHO, spell components & ammo should not have been added. Yeah, they're part of D&D, but adding "tracking & managing inventory" to game play is not an improvement, which is why every PnP I've done has treated all but rare & pricey spell materials (and ammo) as "part of what your character just keeps stocked up by itself without player intervention".

    Imagine if during PnP you couldn't run, but had to say: my character moves it's left foot forward quickly while balanced on right, springs on right, lands on left, ... Truly, there is a line at which "play" becomes "absurd micromanagement".

    A slight nod to D&D spell materials via requiring casters to "stock up" once per life via a UI mechanism similar to the stable would not be a bad thing. This would neuter Eschew and everything that grants it as a minor perq (like Draconic's 2nd core), but I don't see that as a bad thing.

  5. #5
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    you can buy a spell casting materials bag for most materials ... its called Eschew Materials

  6. #6
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    There are a number of items that confer feats by equipping the item - quickdraw on several sets of gloves being an example, proficiencies in certain weapons on the weapon.
    I would expect The spell bag could be done in such a way as to use that tech. Create the Spell Ingredients Bag to use the Quiver slot and have it confer the Enschew Materials feat when equipped.
    This would conflict (heavily) with the abbots quiver - got to love that 30% run speed - but equipping items is all about trade offs.

  7. #7
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    There are a number of items that confer feats by equipping the item - quickdraw on several sets of gloves being an example, proficiencies in certain weapons on the weapon.
    I would expect The spell bag could be done in such a way as to use that tech. Create the Spell Ingredients Bag to use the Quiver slot and have it confer the Enschew Materials feat when equipped.
    This would conflict (heavily) with the abbots quiver - got to love that 30% run speed - but equipping items is all about trade offs.
    That is actually a fantastic idea. An item equipable to the quiver slot that grants Eschew Materials with an icon that looks like a fancy tackle bag or alchemy box. I would put it in the store but... knowing the way they do things it would almost certainly end up in a raid.
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