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  1. #1
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Default An interesting thought experiment. What quests would you get rid of?

    An interesting bit of information came up during the Strimtom/Lynnabel "Year in Review" video. Lynnable stated that DDO is starting to have too many quests. So here is an interesting thought experiment based on that info

    *Note: this is just a fun "What If" scenario. It is by no means a prediction of what is to come in DDO. This is not a DOOM thread, but a fun exercise.

    Say DDO has hit it's quest limit and in order to add new quests and expansions into DDO, you have to remove existing content from the game. What would you get rid of in order to add new content/expansions?

    This is a tricky situation. Can you legally get rid of content that people have paid actual money for (example: getting rid of Eveningstar)? Is there enough free to play content to remove stuff without gimping that experience?

    Here are my votes:

    1) Challenges: This may be my opinion, but I just don't see them run as much. I would remove these, and put the dropped ingredients into the existing quests (so you can still craft the equipment).
    2) Solo Quests: Just remove them. Quests should promote grouping. Having solo only is counter intuitive into DDO.
    3) Korthos: This one is a bit controversial. I could see a case for removing Korthos all together and either make Keep the starter area (some tweaks would need to be made) or start people in the harbor like in the "old days". Maybe adjust some of the levels of those quests to be level 1.

    So.. if you had to get rid of content to add new content to the game (whatever your favorite expansion/module is.. Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Neverwinter), what would you select?
    Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
    Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.

  2. #2
    Eberron Scholar Deslen's Avatar
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    I have to say, *if* they had to get rid of quests, it would be a very sad day indeed. My first reaction would be "OMG DON'T GET RID OF ANYTHING!"

    That said, over the years, many quests have been reworked. Many of the Korthos quests are tweaked versions of the old docks quests. I'd much rather see quests redone than scrapped altogether.

    That said, if I *had* to choose a few quests to get rid of...

    Stealthy Reposessions (truly obnoxious quest to run)
    Baudry Cartoman chain (Mostly 'cuz I can't run the first two on Reaper)
    Purge the Heretics (moral objection)
    Threnal East part 3 (traumatic memories, and it's pretty boring now)

    To reiterate, all would be better off reworked than scrapped.
    AKA Lyrin on Khyber

  3. #3
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deslen View Post
    I have to say, *if* they had to get rid of quests, it would be a very sad day indeed. My first reaction would be "OMG DON'T GET RID OF ANYTHING!"

    That said, over the years, many quests have been reworked. Many of the Korthos quests are tweaked versions of the old docks quests. I'd much rather see quests redone than scrapped altogether.

    That said, if I *had* to choose a few quests to get rid of...

    Stealthy Reposessions (truly obnoxious quest to run)
    Baudry Cartoman chain (Mostly 'cuz I can't run the first two on Reaper)
    Purge the Heretics (moral objection)
    Threnal East part 3 (traumatic memories, and it's pretty boring now)

    To reiterate, all would be better off reworked than scrapped.
    I could see the Baudry chain reworked into a single quest, if "quest slots" were running low.

    Maybe a similar treatment could get used with tangleroot, where redundant quests get merged

  4. #4
    Community Member gaffneyks's Avatar
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    Sorrowdusk Isle
    Secrets of the Artificers chain along with challenges
    Tower of Frost
    Murder by Night
    The Riddle

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logicman69 View Post
    An interesting bit of information came up during the Strimtom/Lynnabel "Year in Review" video. Lynnable stated that DDO is starting to have too many quests. So here is an interesting thought experiment based on that info

    *Note: this is just a fun "What If" scenario. It is by no means a prediction of what is to come in DDO. This is not a DOOM thread, but a fun exercise.

    Say DDO has hit it's quest limit and in order to add new quests and expansions into DDO, you have to remove existing content from the game. What would you get rid of in order to add new content/expansions?

    This is a tricky situation. Can you legally get rid of content that people have paid actual money for (example: getting rid of Eveningstar)? Is there enough free to play content to remove stuff without gimping that experience?

    Here are my votes:

    1) Challenges: This may be my opinion, but I just don't see them run as much. I would remove these, and put the dropped ingredients into the existing quests (so you can still craft the equipment).
    2) Solo Quests: Just remove them. Quests should promote grouping. Having solo only is counter intuitive into DDO.
    3) Korthos: This one is a bit controversial. I could see a case for removing Korthos all together and either make Keep the starter area (some tweaks would need to be made) or start people in the harbor like in the "old days". Maybe adjust some of the levels of those quests to be level 1.

    So.. if you had to get rid of content to add new content to the game (whatever your favorite expansion/module is.. Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Neverwinter), what would you select?
    Anything released after slave lords - why? the heroic tuning is horrible. Going from Kobold Assault (an extreme challenge dungeon) to Saltmarsh on hardcore is just jarring. With mines of Tethymar and TOEE part 2 getting special mentions.
    Last edited by Caarb; 01-12-2022 at 12:49 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Toblakai's Avatar
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    Slave lords. Boring quests. Basically:

    1. Walk 40 feet
    2. Pack of mobs in a nice grid shape spawn
    3. Go to step 1.

  7. #7
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Super mario quest, I'm here to play ddo, not play super mario. There is no princess end reward.

  8. #8
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    1) Remove nothing with Coin Lord and House K favor. We need the inventory space in a game with really bad inventory issues.
    2) Look at chains that don't link to a saga. Or add sagas to chains that don't already have them. It's a way to get more people running them.

  9. #9
    Community Member eightspoons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RTN View Post
    1) Remove nothing with Coin Lord and House K favor. We need the inventory space in a game with really bad inventory issues.
    2) Look at chains that don't link to a saga. Or add sagas to chains that don't already have them. It's a way to get more people running them.
    Or ditch the annoying favour requirement entirely. Better yet, do it anyway.

    Anyway, top of my list to be rid of would have to be Restless Isles followed by ToEE, just for my own personal reasons because Restless Isles is such a drag to navigate, and I utterly detest ToEE.

    I never run either of them, so it wouldn't affect me in the slightest
    On a break. BRB maybe.

  10. #10
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    If they really need to reduce content at a given level, surely the best way would be to drop some of the epic or heroic versions of quests that are 3/22 or 10/30 etc to make more space at a given level. That way the quests are still there for people who enjoy them and it doesn't affect favour

  11. #11
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    The problem with too many quests is not that there are too many quests but because SSG keeps churning out expansions every year to make as much money as possible. Turbine/SSG survived many years without needing to rush an expansion out every year for the big bucks, they need to go back to a slower release model for expansions. 2 years would be better, more time to fix bugs and bigger, better polished expansions.

    Instead of releasing new content, revamp old content. There is way too much old content that nobody will touch with a ten foot long pole because its bad xp, way too hard, etc, etc. SSG did the right thing by rescaling old epic content, now they just need to revamp more old content in general and less churning out rushed expansions with more power creep. And by revamp i mean fixing the issues with them that make them unattractive, not just rescaling monster stats. Problematic quests like The Pit and Toxic Treatment dont have issues with monster stats, its an issue with quest design.

    Search and Rescue for example, is one of the hardest heroic quests IIRC because the mobs have insanely high stats.

    Quests like the Disciples of Shar chain arent run anymore because they offer too little exp. The mobs have very high hp and there are a LOT of them, especially "Escape Plan".

    Amrath in heroics is also way too tanky and its too hard to get cold iron to bypass fleshrender DR at this level (seriously just give them dr/good OR cold iron, not cold iron specifically). This is not a D&D monster as far as i can tell so the DR is SSG's mistake.

    The level 19-20 heroic quests also need to be looked at. The whole "level 20 is epic level" thing basically makes them pointless (except secrets of the stormhorns, and thats because flagging for WGU lets you run it as a daily in epics). They were fine when it was the endgame, but now that endgame is level 30, they are left in an awkard spot. I think they also have issues with monster scaling because if you run them on elite or r1, they get epic level stats which doesnt make sense when its a heroic quest.

    As long as SSG keeps churning out an expansion or mini expansion every year, we are going to have way too many quests in the game. Its like someone in your family buying a new chair every are going to run out of space for the chairs eventually.

  12. #12
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Having too many quests is like having too many days to live. If I could TR 3 times in a row and never play the same quest twice it would be digital D&D nirvana.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  13. #13
    Community Member Epicsoul's Avatar
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    The number of people taking this "thought experiment" as a serious possibility is humorous.
    Epicsoul | Omnisoul | Soul - Assistant to the Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2020-Present | Regional Manager of Lava Divers (2021-2022)
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  14. #14
    Community Member Stravix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epicsoul View Post
    The number of people taking this "thought experiment" as a serious possibility is humorous.
    I mean, either that or we are just bored and just using it as a thought experiment xD

  15. #15
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    Temple of Elemental Evil would be one that wouldn't be missed by too many.

    Too hard for new players. Too long for old players. Multiple death trap rooms. And an end boss fight that is infamous in its lethality.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Deslen View Post

    Stealthy Reposessions (truly obnoxious quest to run)
    my favorite harbor quest

    Don't get rid of any quests.

    Challenges--just make it so we can do more with the crafting materials
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  17. #17
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epicsoul View Post
    The number of people taking this "thought experiment" as a serious possibility is humorous.
    This is definitely not meant to be a serious topic for sure. Its just a fun exercise based on some throw away info from a podcast. Its interesting to see people's opinions though

    I agree with Question2005. Going back and revamping content would be amazing. Combining content is a good idea too. Having to run back and forth to the same quest is a nightmare and one of the reasons why I don't run things like Tangleroot or Sorrowdusk. If that was one long quest, with a boosted XP (maybe 3/4 of the total for the chain), I would probably run that more.

    Someone mentioned doing away with the heroic/epic versions. In this experiment, I don't know if that would apply. I assume that quest that use the same maps are considered "one" quest at it's source. I wouldn't think you could get rid of one without the other.

    I would think if they were to get rid of any quests, that any favor lost would have to be absorbed into other existing quests.

    Another contender for me would be the "dragonmark" quest. Just give everyone one free feat swap per life and call it a day.
    Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
    Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.

  18. #18
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    my favorite harbor quest

    Don't get rid of any quests.

    Challenges--just make it so we can do more with the crafting materials
    My thought with challanges would be to take the ingredients and move them to the quests within those areas, kind of like how they are with sharn.
    Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
    Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.

  19. #19
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Instead of removing quests, I'd rather them just make the **** quests better with boosted xp/revamped gear. It's nice to mix up the leveling path every now and then, but I'd much rather run sharn/cogs again to hit 20 than anything in IQ or shavarath.

    Shavarath gear is about as strong as ravenloft statwise, if that, and, on elite anyways, things are a much bigger pain in the ass to slog through. Quests would need 2x base xp at LEAST to make my group bother.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaffneyks View Post
    Sorrowdusk Isle
    Secrets of the Artificers chain along with challenges
    Tower of Frost
    Murder by Night
    The Riddle
    I dont really mind these, though you could half the number in sorrowdusk without losing any. I say...
    Terminal delirium, restless isles all of it, rework threnal to 3 quests (one per current chain) and dump the walk ups, low level solos, gladewatch, kobold assault, all I can think of without looking at a list but I'm sure there are more.

    Bookbinder, statler bros, small problem and the other quest with brawnpits. There are more that I dont mind running but are not very interesting like depths chain, freshen the air, dirty laundry, etc.
    Rework tangleroot to be 4 quests and allow reaper.
    Last edited by Cantor; 01-12-2022 at 03:18 PM.

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