An interesting bit of information came up during the Strimtom/Lynnabel "Year in Review" video. Lynnable stated that DDO is starting to have too many quests. So here is an interesting thought experiment based on that info
*Note: this is just a fun "What If" scenario. It is by no means a prediction of what is to come in DDO. This is not a DOOM thread, but a fun exercise.
Say DDO has hit it's quest limit and in order to add new quests and expansions into DDO, you have to remove existing content from the game. What would you get rid of in order to add new content/expansions?
This is a tricky situation. Can you legally get rid of content that people have paid actual money for (example: getting rid of Eveningstar)? Is there enough free to play content to remove stuff without gimping that experience?
Here are my votes:
1) Challenges: This may be my opinion, but I just don't see them run as much. I would remove these, and put the dropped ingredients into the existing quests (so you can still craft the equipment).
2) Solo Quests: Just remove them. Quests should promote grouping. Having solo only is counter intuitive into DDO.
3) Korthos: This one is a bit controversial. I could see a case for removing Korthos all together and either make Keep the starter area (some tweaks would need to be made) or start people in the harbor like in the "old days". Maybe adjust some of the levels of those quests to be level 1.
So.. if you had to get rid of content to add new content to the game (whatever your favorite expansion/module is.. Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Neverwinter), what would you select?