As someone who is in fact a VIP, weekly downtime for maintenance is the least of my concerns. You really can't find something else to do for three hours like maybe plan out your next build or study crafting or watch some videos about quests that you want to master?
My major requests to SSG to improve would be:
1. Make it easier to get to the quests when you join a LFM--a link that would teleport there would be awesome.
2. Improve loot in some of the older material.
3. Add some more quests for Epic leveling because redoing the same heroic quests just on harder difficulty really isn't all that interesting.
4. Continue to work on lag although tbh I have noticed a marked improvement since U51.
5. Fix game chat.
I expect a game to need time for maintenance.
How is it convenient? We come back from work, expecting to play ddo but we cant get in, by the time we can go in we suppose to be in bed long ago, so once down time we basically missing a day already since we can only log into ddo the next day after work. But US player base just need to wait for morning to be over and they can log in the same day. So we basically losing out 24hrs per week. minus out down time US base players winning by 20hrs per week. Give or take a few hrs.
haha nope. I know that for a US player in the western time zone, I play at an odd time. That’s because I work odd hours. So while it’s a minor inconvenience for many folks, it’s a good chunk of that after work playtime I look forward to that’s scheduled away every week. On weeks like this where there’s an issue on their end of getting things done, it’s all my play time. As it is, we’re at the 1:30pm eastern time and game still down so today’s game time is over for me. Good night & good luck
The game worlds have reopened.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Servers back up now it seems, huzzah!
When Steam doesn maintenance. When your bank does maintenance. When Amazon does maintenance. When the millions and millions and millions of other online destinations with 99.99% uptime do maintenance. Google, YouTube, Twitch, Netflix, Hulu, Wikipedia, and nearly every other online presence all maintain 99.99% uptime, or more importantly, that is their goal.
What do people imagine is going on during "maintenance downtime"? A Formula 1 pit crew at their stations perched and ready when the giant lever is rotated from LIVE to OFFLINE? A frantic flurry of activity as computers are torn apart, soldering guns spitting out hot lead as if wielded by storm troopers, culminating in a cleanup crew with a blur of mops, spray bottles, and cleaning cloths furiously wiping until a blinding light gleams from every surface? An echoed feminine voice, almost human, reads out a checklist over the PA as dwarf-like minions answer back with muffled shouts from random shadowy nooks scattered throughout the cavernous, dimly lit, and seemingly boundless underground structure, "Go for launch!"?
You do not need downtime to maintain online systems. Of course things happen at even the largest and most prepared organizations that can cause downtime, but planned downtime on a recurrent schedule is just bad, unnecessary, and unheard of in 99.99% of online organizations. Most of which are far more sophisticated and have a lot more at stake than a mob of kobolds and a magic sword.
Last edited by Chilldude; 01-12-2022 at 01:56 PM.
First Lives Matter!!!
Give us a no reincarnation server!
Steam, Amazon, etc, all have numerous back-up servers.
They can down a side and perform maintenance while the alt servers carry the load.
SSG- with (barely) enough servers to run a game like this- does not have millions to invest toward back-up servers.
Everything requires maintenance at some point and that maintenance requires downtime. You don't to quarterly cleaning of gear while it's running.
One hour server restarts is pretty accurate for an "everything down, wait a few ticks, bring it all back up". At least with the ones I'm familiar with.
In all posts: Assume I'm just providing a personal opinion rather than trying to speak for everyone.
*All posts should be taken as humorously intended and if you are struggling to decide if I insulted you; I didn't.
I am quite sure, they do have the money to run more/backup servers. More likely they have lost full control of their code base, so switching frontends would probably cause enough troubles of their own,as parts of the system are running as black boxes.
Or they just dont care, as how they are working is still keeping the income high enough to not bother about improvement or change, which I find more likely.
Any fix for Soul Survivor quest on the cards? Please. If it is bugged, says so on the Wiki.
Last edited by Whitering; 01-17-2022 at 01:46 PM.