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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default <Character Name>-2 || No chance to change your character name if it is duplicate


    to my surprise, there is no feature in place, where if your character has an already used First Name, it just gets appended by 1, no chance to change it, no notification. Absolute middle finger. I searched for mentions on this, but found nothing and i am puzzled it wasn't brought up yet, or there isn't really any solution to this, other than the; "Just buy a name change ticket...".

    The name choosen was unique in this server, i understand if i couldn't keep it, since others may use it, but to lust lazily fart it up one number slightly annoys me.

    Now, i would like to open a ticket with the support team, if they were responsive at all... (not here to specifically complain about response time, but i had a one year old case, with zero informative update from them) So i don't see them giving a d-a-m-n about anything, honestly.

    To wrap up the post, is this really alright? Are the playerbase content with being treated like this?

    Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by Laveillon; 01-07-2022 at 06:05 AM. Reason: Somewhy, it got censored. Such vulgar word, yes?

  2. #2
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Laveillon View Post

    to my surprise, there is no feature in place, where if your character has an already used First Name, it just gets appended by 1, no chance to change it, no notification. Absolute middle finger. I searched for mentions on this, but found nothing and i am puzzled it wasn't brought up yet, or there isn't really any solution to this, other than the; "Just buy a name change ticket...".

    The name choosen was unique in this server, i understand if i couldn't keep it, since others may use it, but to lust lazily fart it up one number slightly annoys me.

    Now, i would like to open a ticket with the support team, if they were responsive at all... (not here to specifically complain about response time, but i had a one year old case, with zero informative update from them) So i don't see them giving a d-a-m-n about anything, honestly.

    To wrap up the post, is this really alright? Are the playerbase content with being treated like this?

    Thank you for your time.
    In the past when characters were transferred off hardcore and had a duplicate name, along with the -1, the were assigned a name change certificate (this only exists in the backend, you see nothing on your character). Just type /changename newname and, if the newname is free you now have a renamed character

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2013


    And looks like it is still the case, name change was successful, but i was not able to find this information anywhere.

    Nevertheless, i am grateful for the help, but still wondering why it is not stated in the FAQ section.

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