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  1. #21
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katalissa View Post
    Definitely don't try to solo VON 5!
    That one is actually not possible to solo, as the north passage requires both sets of 3 (rune+lever+target) to be activated within seconds of each other, and the sets are separated by a distance that even with highest move speed, boosts and wings cannot be traversed in time. It is possible to 2 man VoN5 though (the lowest shortman I've done is 3 man, as I couldn't get a teammate with both the str and wis requirements at the time).

  2. #22
    Community Member
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    I'll add Spinner of Shadows

    Takes ages solo when you can only do one side and it can be difficult to defend the spinner solo.

    I try to do the quest line in heroics with a group, so in epics I can use VIP skip if I still don't have group members by the time I get to this third quest in chain. (epic spinner elite/R1 solo is a real pain)

    About stealthy repo: you need to be able to survive orange/ red alert and open doors under attack, so it gets better with PRR and AC pastlives etc and a fearsome robe of invulnerability and hood of unrest. I still don't like the quest, get slowed soo much and often accidentally kill prophets when trying to get alert down to at least orange. Also, few classes can invis / no fail scroll invis. at low levels and using the rare potions seems like a waste.

  3. #23
    Community Member Katalissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vryxnr View Post
    That one is actually not possible to solo, as the north passage requires both sets of 3 (rune+lever+target) to be activated within seconds of each other, and the sets are separated by a distance that even with highest move speed, boosts and wings cannot be traversed in time. It is possible to 2 man VoN5 though (the lowest shortman I've done is 3 man, as I couldn't get a teammate with both the str and wis requirements at the time).
    Oh I know. Just saying - I learnt that the hard way many years ago. XD

    I think Against the Demon Queen is another one I HAVE soloed, but it is a right pain to do so, and you need a hire or something. Elieri came in handy there! I'd still rather do it than some of the Gianthold quests though!

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard1406 View Post
    I'll add Spinner of Shadows

    Takes ages solo when you can only do one side and it can be difficult to defend the spinner solo.

    I try to do the quest line in heroics with a group, so in epics I can use VIP skip if I still don't have group members by the time I get to this third quest in chain. (epic spinner elite/R1 solo is a real pain)

    About stealthy repo: you need to be able to survive orange/ red alert and open doors under attack, so it gets better with PRR and AC pastlives etc and a fearsome robe of invulnerability and hood of unrest. I still don't like the quest, get slowed soo much and often accidentally kill prophets when trying to get alert down to at least orange. Also, few classes can invis / no fail scroll invis. at low levels and using the rare potions seems like a waste.
    I got through this one solo, but my connection got dropped just as I was about to be teleported out of the chamber beyond the barrier. I relogged so I could complete the quest, but it wouldn't teleport me out at that point and there's no other way out of the chamber. I had to recall and take the xp penalty to complete it. Submitted a bug report but I don't think they understood my complaint.

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