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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Leaderboard musings

    Some thoughts on the Running with the Reapers leaderboards...

    • Can we have an icon(s) showing the class of the character? It would be interesting (and informative) to see if there is a commonality to the builds. Does FVS dominate this list? How many rogues are left alive?

      Would it be possible to also add a column showing the daily movement up or down on the list? Red arrow down 5 spots, Green arrow up 10 spots.

      Who are these people?! Alright, I get it, one server for all time zones. But there are many names on the list I've never seen before in world. Maybe Europe/Asia has better DDO players than America/Canada?

      Ever scan the list looking for a really good player you were running with at one time, not see them on it, and wonder what was their demise?

      Yes, if you are wondering, I am on the list peaking at 66 the other day.

      The highest-ranked player I grouped with was at #7 today.

      6000 has been the soft cap for a bit now. There seems to be a general push toward the 5300 mark. I wonder what the median 5000 favor level ends up being?

      I wonder how many people get to 5007 favor and just stop. I did it and I'm done!

      That whole U51 smooth transition into epics with destinies unlocked and points to spend sure comes in handy now, doesn't it?

    I am Awesomesauce!

  2. #2
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Some thoughts on the Running with the Reapers leaderboards...

    • Can we have an icon(s) showing the class of the character? It would be interesting (and informative) to see if there is a commonality to the builds. Does FVS dominate this list? How many rogues are left alive?

      Would it be possible to also add a column showing the daily movement up or down on the list? Red arrow down 5 spots, Green arrow up 10 spots.

      Who are these people?! Alright, I get it, one server for all time zones. But there are many names on the list I've never seen before in world. Maybe Europe/Asia has better DDO players than America/Canada?

      Ever scan the list looking for a really good player you were running with at one time, not see them on it, and wonder what was their demise?

      Yes, if you are wondering, I am on the list peaking at 66 the other day.

      The highest-ranked player I grouped with was at #7 today.

      6000 has been the soft cap for a bit now. There seems to be a general push toward the 5300 mark. I wonder what the median 5000 favor level ends up being?

      I wonder how many people get to 5007 favor and just stop. I did it and I'm done!

      That whole U51 smooth transition into epics with destinies unlocked and points to spend sure comes in handy now, doesn't it?
    Leaderboards are enough already no more information is nessisary

    especially when you start looking for players locations that's private information

    I wouldn't credit destiny as much as nerf to the mobs making epics smoother

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