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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Dwarven Maul build?

    Hi. I have 2 dwarves: Paladin (26) and Barbarian (10). Are there any THF combinations/choices that would make a good "Mauler"? So far I've seen Silvanus for PDK, SDK, Deep Gnome (none of which I have) AND more recently as the Divine Crusader option "Axiom of Faith".

    I'm thinking the Paladin can LR switching from Great Axe to Maul. Of course I need to farm a decent Maul first. They seem to be weaker/rarer than Great Axe. Thanks

  2. #2
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Going to be straight up...a Cannith crafted two Augment weapon where you can place rubies is almost always superior in damage to named items. Not always but majority of the time, except where you have sentient sets where you get added damage. In which case epic fury of the flame is a good pick. Really good weapon to cruise through epic past lives repeatedly.

  3. #3
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Krelar's Avatar
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    Silvanus is really what makes a maul build "good". Without the critical range bonus it will pretty much always be subpar compared to other THF options.

    If you're just looking for a flavor build and don't mind being suboptimal then a Drow Maul is probably your best early epic choice. (If you put a sentient jewel in it before equipping it it becomes BTA instead of BTC.) Nothing else really stands out to me as exceptional at first glance so I would probably either craft of just use whatever you can find quickly.

  4. #4
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Critical threat range isn't enough reason to choose the weapon master over fury of the flame...come on now.

    Define suboptimal... lack of Slashing damage?
    Is there a filigree set that gives Bludgeoning damage?
    Could be...but just stating that's a non issue.

    This is why changes come with great horror...
    It opens little boxes people keep themselves in

    PS Forged or Half Orc are options

    My buddy rolls a Horc barb using fury of the flame opens every lock and insta kills almost everything with Visage of terror... just so you know I am not talking out my rear

    I am running a cleric that has 72 search with find traps higher with an insight item at level 22...charisma Based not intelligence so...I find doors he opens locks...good symbiotic relationship
    Last edited by Enderoc; 12-28-2021 at 03:41 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks all. I've never crafted before but can check it out. The other race/class I have that might work is Aasimar Scourge. Maybe do a Warsoul Maul swinger. Seems like a whole lot of bonuses.

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravenbrew View Post
    So far I've seen Silvanus for PDK, SDK, Deep Gnome (none of which I have)
    Blessing of Silvanus provides a +2 critical threat range bonus to mauls which AFAIK stacks with every other crit range bonus. That plus bonuses to Favored Weapons (e.g., Ascendency) is what has historically given e.g. PDK Silvanus paladin 20 an edge over other maul users:
    • 20/x3 base
    • 18-20/x3 Blessing of Silvanus
    • 17-20/x3 Improved Critical feat
    • 16-20/x4 Holy Sword
    • 16-18/x4 19-20/x5 Overwhelming Critical

    AND more recently as the Divine Crusader option "Axiom of Faith".
    "Axiom of Faith: Multiselector: Choose a Religion from the full list of Religions. You are now considered to be a follower of that religion, including being able to use its Favored Weapon."

    IIUC this would make a non-Silvanus paladin able to benefit from Favored Weapon bonuses in the KotC tree, however they don't gain other religion feats like Blessing of Silvanus. But I don't have any level 23+ paladins I could use to test that at the moment.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Blessing of Silvanus provides a +2 critical threat range bonus to mauls which AFAIK stacks with every other crit range bonus. That plus bonuses to Favored Weapons (e.g., Ascendency) is what has historically given e.g. PDK Silvanus paladin 20 an edge over other maul users:
    • 20/x3 base
    • 18-20/x3 Blessing of Silvanus
    • 17-20/x3 Improved Critical feat
    • 16-20/x4 Holy Sword
    • 16-18/x4 19-20/x5 Overwhelming Critical

    "Axiom of Faith: Multiselector: Choose a Religion from the full list of Religions. You are now considered to be a follower of that religion, including being able to use its Favored Weapon."

    IIUC this would make a non-Silvanus paladin able to benefit from Favored Weapon bonuses in the KotC tree, however they don't gain other religion feats like Blessing of Silvanus. But I don't have any level 23+ paladins I could use to test that at the moment.
    Thanks Unbongwah. Now I need to decide between Dwarf and Aasimar Scourge (two very different paths The pain of course is Scourge requires +1 tome to remove Ranger level. It's a shame, Scourge Weapons does not include Maul. Class-wise Paladin sounds great. I recently unlocked Favored Soul.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravenbrew View Post
    Thanks Unbongwah. Now I need to decide between Dwarf and Aasimar Scourge (two very different paths The pain of course is Scourge requires +1 tome to remove Ranger level. It's a shame, Scourge Weapons does not include Maul. Class-wise Paladin sounds great. I recently unlocked Favored Soul.
    Paladin can use all martial weapons including Maul.

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    "Axiom of Faith: Multiselector: Choose a Religion from the full list of Religions. You are now considered to be a follower of that religion, including being able to use its Favored Weapon."

    IIUC this would make a non-Silvanus paladin able to benefit from Favored Weapon bonuses in the KotC tree, however they don't gain other religion feats like Blessing of Silvanus. But I don't have any level 23+ paladins I could use to test that at the moment.
    I was looking at this too and wondering if Axiom swaps the religion out for the newly chosen one. Then you should gain the Silvanus Toggle in the Deity Feats i guess.

    You follow Silvanus. You are proficient with mauls and gain +1 to hit with them. Good news for Clerics and Favored Souls if Axiom swaps.

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