I had a spare +1 heart laying around so I decided to make a full on raging pale master EK shifter. Not disappointed at all.
I recommend trying it, especially with casting while raging available on the Draconic Incarnation tree.
I had a spare +1 heart laying around so I decided to make a full on raging pale master EK shifter. Not disappointed at all.
I recommend trying it, especially with casting while raging available on the Draconic Incarnation tree.
My Razorclaw Shifter PM/EK Wizard is now level 30, and is a BEAST.
And I'm still wearing a few pieces of starter gear. ha.
I was a little worried I wouldn't make it through the first part of Ravenloft on LE, but I managed to complete all three quests without dying. The biggest problem I had was fighting the portrait of Strahd. It isn't labeled as undead but has all the undead perks, so it heals from negative damage, but my PM enhancement which makes undead vulnerable to negative energy doesn't apply to it, so I was healing it for 2-4k per tick and couldn't get its health down at all while my death aura was up, as my draconic incarnation element is shadow... I had to beat it down with melee, run down the stairs and negative energy burst to heal--i couldn't use ANY spell at all because it would apply the negative damage dot even when my draconic aura was OFF--which was strange because I thought that was tied to the aura. Hm. Maybe it's a bug, or maybe I just need to read better...
It doesn't matter. I got it done, and me and Bones are ready for the next chapter in Ravenloft. I might run an LE Death House again at some point and record it, just so I can share how awesome he is.
Now, I'm looking for advice. I'm using the Morninglord's Handwraps and they are serving me well, but what would be the ULTIMATE handwraps for this configuration? Thunder-Forged? Something else?
Unfortunately, most of the end-game handwraps are pretty situational, but there are a couple pair of them that are useful most of the time.
My preferred go-to handwraps these days are still the Duality handwraps that drop in the Strahd raid. Monks get the most benefits from those, though.
For an iconic shifter, I find using the Handwraps of the Hound in conjunction with The Fang of Xyzzy for the unique set bonus pretty fun. Both of those items drop from the Legendary Vision of Destruction raid.
Legendary Tatterchain from the Finding Dorris quest is another all-around option. It also fits your whole Pale Master EK motiff best, too, if you care about that sort of thing.
Extend Spell
IC: Bludgeoning, Overwhelming Critical
Scion of the Plane of Earth (the PRR is REALLY nice to have--and extra acid damage on melee some would say Shadowfell, but you don't need healing on melee with Death Aura)
Enhancement Trees--PM, EK, and Razorclaw:
You want to be a full EK all the way to tier 5 and all tier 0. You want your spellsword dice maximum. You also want the enhancement for Medium Armor.
You want lich form with level drain core and incorp or PRR-all the skeleton minion optionals for 15 more PRR
Everything else in Shifter Tree--Roar and all the handwrap goodies on the left -- also overwhelming shifting and relentless onslaught at the top. Magic Fang CAN work on a Pale Master but you have to exit your undead form and cast it, then reenter.
Well the handwraps can be anything you want, though I'd suggest something +15 or better. Get that attack bonus as high as you can go!
Chest: The Legendary Blackmail (profane healing amp WOOT WOOT)
Trinket: Legendary Crocodile Tooth (more to-hit bonuses!)
Legendary Darkstorm Helm (negative crit % and neg power)
Now, I use the rage ability of the Razorclaw and have Draconic Incarnation as my primary ED (can cast while raging, and no spell components needed)
I use shadow dragon and because I have the enhancement in the pale master tree which allows me to hurt undead with negative, it isn't so bad most of the time. There are a few undead that aren't flagged as such and they are gonna give you a hard time. If you'd rather go lightning (because of the Darkstorm Helm) go for it. It will still be great.
I thought of going Fury of the Wild, but so far, I haven't seen a benefit. I may experiment with it at some point. I also considered Exalted Angel (believe it or not) and Fatesinger. Who knows? I know with enough healing amp, Exalted Angels healing aura along with Death Aura would make you virtually unkillable.
This is all I can remember from work. If you have more questions or require detail, let me know and when I get home I will follow it up. This guy is VICIOUS.
Last edited by Certon; 01-10-2022 at 11:20 AM.
Are you primarily INT-based?
I see that Eldritch Accuracy gives you +INT to hit but what about your damage stat? My plan was the spend 12 points in Harper Agent for Strategic Combat II to get INT to damage.
What sets are you using? I see you mentioned Legendary Blackmail. Does that you mean you use all three pieces (Armor, Gloves, Bracers) of the Dreadkeeper set?
What about any other sets? I'd think you'd at least want the 4 piece Winter set for the +10% HPs.
Tatterchain will be my handwraps, but I'm looking at the Legendary Bloodstone for my trinket/Minor Artifact, but that Insightful Accuracy on the Crocodile Tooth is also quite attractive.
How about your Spellsword? What element did you take? Electricity is one of the best but I'd be interested in hearing what is best from your experience.
My build actually doesn't use INT to hit or damage, and my base to-hit is 96, so it's not bad. With magic fang its 102. if you could wedge INT into the build and jack up the stat into the 60's I could see your to-hit get to 120 easy.
I wouldn't worry about INT to damage. Most of your damage is elemental in nature. Sure, you still hit in the 400s at times and crit for higher, but that elemental damage is HUGE. I didn't have the points to get any Harper Agent abilities and still get Razorclaw, EK, and PM. You would be venturing into variant build territory. That's not a BAD thing. Whatever you do, I'd love to see it!!!!
I usually sit in acid for my element, but that's just because I'm still wearing my old Epic Rock Boots. All my elemental damage is decent, so I'll change it to whatever is necessary at the time.
Because I'm a work in progress, I still need to finish gearing. I am still wearing my starter gloves! I have to decide if I want to go wizardry or combat abilities for that slot. Lots of choices.
Again because I'm a work in progress, I haven't finished my sets. I want 5 Eminence of Winter items for that 10% hp bonus the 30PRR and the Negative Amp, but with the incoming healing even on low reapers, it's not imperative. 3 would be fine. I use the chest piece for the profane neg amp. I want the Prince's Gauntlet for 14 CON and more negative amp, AND that it has Eminence of Winter on it, but I know I need to get lucky...
I’ve built a few EKs in the last couple months and after getting razorclaw on sale i was considering doing something similar with a raging wraps EK. 15 Wiz/5 Barb is a great split for EK, getting crit multi and +1w in FB, and you don’t need to use a +1 heart. Since you wouldn’t be focusing on DCs STR based is easier on the AP spread. I’m not sure if FB or Ravager would be better with the small crit profile on handwraps.
anyways, that’s my plan for my RC lives, but I’ve a few more EK builds to try first. Glad yours is working well for you, op!
At level 30 I still have the Cannith item Epic Rock Boots that you can create using challenge components. At some point when I get them I will upgrade to Legendary Stone Shoes. Sure, I'll lose acid lore, but I don't think it will make much of a difference for the melee acid damage.