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  1. #1
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Default On a more serious note

    I will now give a slightly more realistic suggestion to REPLACE
    the current HCL event that the developers no longer have time to maintain and run.

    Make a permanent HC server

    Similar rules as HCL with a few changes.

    !. the world is always on
    2. if you die, you go to the dead lands (where there is a post box and bank) and
    you have 1 week to settle that toons affairs and then they are automatically purged.
    3. There are no free transfer, it is it's own server.
    4. all HC Server awards stay on the HC server.

    Awards are designed based on continual environment.

    Awards for making 20th level, and max level.
    Awards for having more than 1 life.
    Awards for guild level achieved, shared with all guild members.
    Award for completionist
    various favor (and reaper) level awards.

    Modified rules.

    All events that usually hit the servers will also be represented on the HC Server
    EXP gems given out for Silver and Gold rolls will be converted to gold (money) and all the other prizes will stay the same.
    Entrance into the dungeons will be RESTRICTED to a max of 1 <ONE> level over adjust dungeon level.
    ...If you have an unlimited amount of time to earn a prize (unless you die) you no longer need the crutch
    of being able to hit a dungeon WAY under level for you. It is a 'Hardcore' server after all.
    ... If you, or a party member is more than 1 level over, you are blocked.
    Gold seal hirelings can only be used at your character level (or lower).

    Everything on the HC Server stays there, Perm. population (with a cough cough, higher than usual mortality rate)
    Cool extra prizes to balance out the extra risk ... have fun.

    Still makes SSG extra money
    Eliminates the Ebb and Flow back and forth of players during the year. It is it's own server.
    Less maint. for SSG. Just need to change out the lvl 20 and max level cloak yearly but
    other than that, no different than any other server (at least to the developers)

    Everyone can have their cake and eat it too.
    have fun

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Oct 2020


    I think HC is getting a bit stale. Should perhaps drop to once a year, in a holiday season.

  3. #3
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    I will now give a slightly more realistic suggestion to REPLACE
    the current HCL event that the developers no longer have time to maintain and run.

    Make a permanent HC server

    Similar rules as HCL with a few changes.

    !. the world is always on
    2. if you die, you go to the dead lands (where there is a post box and bank) and
    you have 1 week to settle that toons affairs and then they are automatically purged.
    3. There are no free transfer, it is it's own server.
    4. all HC Server awards stay on the HC server.

    Awards are designed based on continual environment.

    Awards for making 20th level, and max level.
    Awards for having more than 1 life.
    Awards for guild level achieved, shared with all guild members.
    Award for completionist
    various favor (and reaper) level awards.

    Modified rules.

    All events that usually hit the servers will also be represented on the HC Server
    EXP gems given out for Silver and Gold rolls will be converted to gold (money) and all the other prizes will stay the same.
    Entrance into the dungeons will be RESTRICTED to a max of 1 <ONE> level over adjust dungeon level.
    ...If you have an unlimited amount of time to earn a prize (unless you die) you no longer need the crutch
    of being able to hit a dungeon WAY under level for you. It is a 'Hardcore' server after all.
    ... If you, or a party member is more than 1 level over, you are blocked.
    Gold seal hirelings can only be used at your character level (or lower).

    Everything on the HC Server stays there, Perm. population (with a cough cough, higher than usual mortality rate)
    Cool extra prizes to balance out the extra risk ... have fun.

    Still makes SSG extra money
    Eliminates the Ebb and Flow back and forth of players during the year. It is it's own server.
    Less maint. for SSG. Just need to change out the lvl 20 and max level cloak yearly but
    other than that, no different than any other server (at least to the developers)

    Everyone can have their cake and eat it too.
    have fun

    Not signed

    You want to play permadeath full time nothing is stopping you from doing this but you

  4. #4
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SheIsMiiiiiiinnnne View Post
    I think HC is getting a bit stale. Should perhaps drop to once a year, in a holiday season.
    Indeed especially when it is a rushed season with repeat rewards

  5. #5
    Guild Leader - Death Smile
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    Three months a year with unique, very cool, rewards, seems appropriate to me for the event.

    One of the biggest frustrations to me is all the waste - there has to be a way to move the guild
    off server to save or reuse all of the renown and the decos and the time spent - just deleting everything
    seems to be an insult to those of us who spend time and money on this event.

  6. #6
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    Three months a year with unique, very cool, rewards, seems appropriate to me for the event.

    One of the biggest frustrations to me is all the waste - there has to be a way to move the guild
    off server to save or reuse all of the renown and the decos and the time spent - just deleting everything
    seems to be an insult to those of us who spend time and money on this event.
    I mean they could just leave the guild to your account on the server but If it's connected to the character that gets deleted then that's a problem

    Seriously though the design appears to be as much spending as possible when the Server is up deleted all guild stuff only makes required more spending ever iteration

    Big thanks to those who run hardcore guilds I ran with Silver's Guild on Season one

  7. #7
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    The should have opened up HC to iconic level 15 play since they just did the ED overhaul...
    Please consider the environment before printing this post

  8. #8
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oliphant View Post
    The should have opened up HC to iconic level 15 play since they just did the ED overhaul...
    Would not bother me

  9. #9
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    the only thing i would see as improvement is to add more rewards.

    more rewards as also little rewards as pots, cookies, augments, etc..

    the bigger rewards are ok as just as they are.

  10. #10
    Community Member ironmaiden-br's Avatar
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    Not signed....

    A 3 month x year event (as said above) with NEW and cool prizes will be perfect.


    - raise de 5.000 favor to 5800-6,000 favor to make it a little difficult .. cause for 5k you can avoid almost anything complicated in the game and get it easily
    - Give some aditional rewards for the top 10/ top 25/ top 100 of each ranking. Something other than cosmetics that can be used on the main servers..
    - create a 1 life shroud token that will only save you 1 time in the shroud
    Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaiden-br View Post
    Not signed....

    A 3 month x year event (as said above) with NEW and cool prizes will be perfect.


    - raise de 5.000 favor to 5800-6,000 favor to make it a little difficult .. cause for 5k you can avoid almost anything complicated in the game and get it easily
    - Give some aditional rewards for the top 10/ top 25/ top 100 of each ranking. Something other than cosmetics that can be used on the main servers..
    - create a 1 life shroud token that will only save you 1 time in the shroud
    I wouldn’t mind leader board rewards that give you something for the next hardcore season. (And I’m not on any leader boards so have no skin in this game )

    Not sure what exactly - and it should stay on HC server. Maybe ability to create level 4 toons, a +x tome, potions of some sort , something like that. Even just a halo thing for the next HC season.

    Otherwise HC rewards should stay cosmetic, generally.

  12. #12
    Community Member Mofus's Avatar
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    Default Not signed

    Not signed, we don't need a permanent hardcore server.
    Darkwinn, Milkus, Terismina, Gothmawg, Dreylock, Drunarah, Bigbhamboo, etc on Sarlona / Brixlynn, Mofus, Curgoth, Deidlit, etc on Ghalanda.

  13. #13
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    A permanent HC server would do away with the stress of the time limit. /not signed.

  14. #14
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    A permanent HC server would do away with the stress of the time limit. /not signed.
    It would do away with the point of the rewards too.

  15. #15
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oliphant View Post
    The should have opened up HC to iconic level 15 play since they just did the ED overhaul...
    Since HC is a sort of "Fresh Start" test server, they should run one where every character starts at 15 right around the time they raise the level cap. (But also they should never raise the level cap. They can't even write a compelling epic story, let alone a legendary one.)

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