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  1. #1
    Community Member Jaysun's Avatar
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    Default Picking my final form..need advice

    So after many TR's I have decided that I am going against the grain and making a pure caster/healer Favored soul with trapping. I have maximized all my casting past lives and finally ready to build.

    My question is this. First I plan to be a shifter. Since I won't be getting a capstone as a FVS I want to make up for the lost of DC's as best I can and Shifter allows me to gain 3 Wisdom while raged. Is there anything I dont know about the rage function as a caster that would make this a bad idea? I also like that get an extra 4 con and 4 dex while raged which will help my reflex saves.

    I am planning on 18 FVS/2 rogue....but am really debating on going 19 FVS/1 Rogue and just getting evade via shadowdancer even though I have to wait for it (plan to stay at 30 for a long time "months"). Is the addition of the other caster life for DC/caster level worth it over going 2 rogue early?

    Any thoughts on the build come to mind that would need to worry about?

  2. #2
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    Dec 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaysun View Post
    So after many TR's I have decided that I am going against the grain and making a pure caster/healer Favored soul with trapping. I have maximized all my casting past lives and finally ready to build.

    My question is this. First I plan to be a shifter. Since I won't be getting a capstone as a FVS I want to make up for the lost of DC's as best I can and Shifter allows me to gain 3 Wisdom while raged. Is there anything I dont know about the rage function as a caster that would make this a bad idea? I also like that get an extra 4 con and 4 dex while raged which will help my reflex saves.

    I am planning on 18 FVS/2 rogue....but am really debating on going 19 FVS/1 Rogue and just getting evade via shadowdancer even though I have to wait for it (plan to stay at 30 for a long time "months"). Is the addition of the other caster life for DC/caster level worth it over going 2 rogue early?

    Any thoughts on the build come to mind that would need to worry about?
    If this is your final build, and presumably, what you will play at cap, why the trapper? It will just diminish your character as a caster in the end game and it isn't that hard to get to end game without trapping as you can find people to do quests that have traps or in many cases you can just run through traps or avoid quests with dangerous traps.

  3. #3
    Community Member Jaysun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    If this is your final build, and presumably, what you will play at cap, why the trapper? It will just diminish your character as a caster in the end game and it isn't that hard to get to end game without trapping as you can find people to do quests that have traps or in many cases you can just run through traps or avoid quests with dangerous traps.
    I duo with someone who is a lot of DPS and love rogue but dislike how range feels now and never been a fan of melee. We duo all the time and because we haven't played endgame for many years, going to take it slow. Will learn where all the traps are but until then will want trapping to not make new quest more painful then they need to be. Also I plan to be a DPS caster for R6 and below...but R6+ and raids most likely heal...and being able to dual hat as a healer/trapper makes life easier.

  4. #4
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    if you don't mind waiting for evasion until epics, /1 wiz might help the casting side by adding another feat as well as low hanging fruit, could also use the feat for offsetting taking insightful reflexes so you can keep up trapskills and dump dex.

    sorc & fire savant would lift some of your spells as well.

    Could go arti instead of rogue as well - ezpz low level pewpewpew, and could get a nice little pile of hp & hamp for a small AP investment.

    Plan it out before you commit
    Last edited by voxson5; 12-21-2021 at 11:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    For Epic Destinies make sure you go into Draconic and get Draconic Rage for casting while raged.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  6. #6
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voxson5 View Post
    if you don't mind waiting for evasion until epics, /1 wiz might help the casting side by adding another feat as well as low hanging fruit, could also use the feat for offsetting taking insightful reflexes so you can keep up trapskills and dump dex.

    sorc & fire savant would lift some of your spells as well.

    Could go arti instead of rogue as well - ezpz low level pewpewpew, and could get a nice little pile of hp & hamp for a small AP investment.

    Plan it out before you commit
    Arti is a solid option instead of rogue I agree

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