Server Thelanis paddfoot cutpurse 13rog(old toon that was played when cap was 14)
after hiatus Server Khyber Hakkn slash 1ftr/16rngr/1rog PL ftr 1/ barb1
dapadd padd 6pal/1rog/3mnk quicktounge 8bard(haggle/bank)
I also want an U55 update please.
I am running pure 20 monk as shuricannon 2.0 but I think it might be a little bit outdated.
((Drow, now sitting on flat 64 dex, 41 AP in Ninja Spy, 8 Henshin (Contemplation), Horizon Walker and Drow trees, as epic: Shiradi Champion + Shadow-dancer + Unyielding Sentinel for self heals)
If anyone has some tips regarding newer builds and how to improve pure DROW 30 MONK I would be very grateful.