(Please note I posted this in Tech help 2 weeks ago and nothing..why I am posting here because this is really ruining the gameplay experience for me as we use the map often).

So I am having an issue I do not remember having when I previous played. I am curious if this is a known issue (I looked for an hour) or if someone knows a solution to fix it.

I am getting 200+ FPS (Have a GTX 2070 super) but when I open the map my framerate appears to drop. The larger I make the map, the worst it gets. This also happens when I open multiple UI windows like character/auction house/etc.

The easiest way I can explain it is if you are tabbed out to look at a website and have DDO in the background and have seen your game framerate appear chopping until you tab back over to the game, that is what it looks like when I have the map open.

If I make the map small then the performance issue nearly disappears.

What I think is happening is that DDO UI system is a bit weird and when you open up a map or any UI feature like the store or character page, windows/game is actually like DDO the game is no in the background and is dropping the FPS while you have one of the game UI features open.

So my question is this already know and is there a solution? I have updated drivers, set DDo to always run from my graphics card.

This happens on all three of our accounts (wife and son). Wife and I have the same card/computer, our son has a Laptop 2060 super.

Love someone to know the fix to make my day!