Came back from a 6 year break, only to find the game got better and that some of my old friends are still playing!
Came back from a 6 year break, only to find the game got better and that some of my old friends are still playing!
There's still a week left in the year, and I believe the best thing of the year is still yet to happen!
She settled into retirement after I gave up on my experiment with triple classing.
looted bottomless keg of beer
What was the best thing that happened to your character in 2021?
That 5+CON tome he found was a nice surprise.
BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW
My lowlevel swashbuckler finally got her mimic companion from the Mimic Hunt. :>
Win this week's 500 ddo points. Thanks Merry xmas and happy new years
She was able to get some rest from questing because everyone else stayed home : (
He finally got a normal build instead of "for teh lulz" ones.
Finally made it to level 20. I only play occasionally and have tried a lot of builds over the years. So making level 20 was a big deal for me. Might have made it faster if I could find a guild not focused on reapers and raiding. I am a kind of flower sniffer and like to take my time.
Chief Visigoth
Crossbows are so much fun
Free stuff!!!
"Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad."
Getting to 5000 favor on HC S5. Most definitely my DDO highlight of the year.
I am Awesomesauce!
My new main character which I brought back from season three on HC is on her way to be completionist I have come out of my comfort zone and have been having a lot of fun on the way and meeting some pretty fantastic people (players) from all the servers
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Be careful of the toes you step on today, because they maybe connected to the a** you kiss tomorrow
Finally got that pebble out of my shoe.
Still being alive on HC. ...for now.