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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Lost all Stat and Skill tomes after most recent TR, waiting 6days for support

    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    Tomorrow will make 6 weeks for me for the same issue. Sorry to hear that you've joined the club as well.

  3. #3
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    Just over 2 weeks for me, but I can't check the in-game ticket anymore since their new (non)improved system was implemented this week, so I had to submit a new one.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  4. #4
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    Also been waiting 6 weeks now for any response. You are not wrong though, 6 days is longer than you should wait.

    See here for another thread of people with the same problem recently:

  5. #5
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    I've been waiting 2 months...and counting...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    Coming up to 17 days since my what a joke the ticket system is and the whole customer service system, oh wait.... there is no customer service, no in game service to speak of. I remember when you had a problem and filled in a ticket it would be anything within 10 mins to 2 hrs and then you would have someone texting you with a response. This game has gone to S H I T !!! 12 years I have been paying and playing.

    Anyway ticket No. 5390326 24/11/21
    Last edited by mezzie; 12-15-2021 at 03:59 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    Heck, they went and deleted my first two tickets (from over a month ago) on the switch from the old ticket service to the new one. If I didn't bother to check, no one would have even known that I'd lost all of my ability and skill tomes over a month ago (11/13/21). According to my ticket, no one at SSG knows, because no one checked any of my two now-deleted tickets over that month, and has yet to check my new one in the new system.

    This used to be taken care of day-of a couple years ago. What happened? What a waste of a month of VIP subscription too...

  8. #8
    Founder bnugier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    I just recently TR'd (well 13 days ago) my main character on Argo. I have been playing that character since beta. I TR'd to get the new epic past lives that just came out. After starting to level up I noticed my stats were not going up like they should. I had +7's on every ability, +8 on charisma. I also had all +4's on my stats like jump, etc. When I looked all my tomes were gone. I opened a ticket and have not heard a peep from anyone. It is pretty frustrating that they can't at least simply reply that they will be helping you soon but they are busy or whatever. Just acknowledge they will help as soon as they can. Again, so frustrating. Makes me not even want to play anymore.

  9. #9
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    Default Still no action

    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    Well it's been a while. I have 3 or 4 emails from SSG on this item all seem to come from a BOT or auto response system. I get a mail, send a response then get the same mail back again. I don't think these guys actually support customers fulltime. I just got back to playing after 3 years absence and this happens. Was considering reactivating VIP but if this is the service I can expect I believe they don't deserve our money. If we get no service the remaining premium is probably best, then you won't have to pay $15 per month for poor service and no real return. You can use that money to buy points if you need or maybe a burger and beer at your local joint.

  10. #10
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    Post on Facebook and Twitter, they might respond to that.

  11. #11
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    O sweet summer child. 6 days is nothing. There is someone ithink it was jotman that is going on 5 maybe 6 years for a response to a ticket

  12. #12
    Community Member Qlumsee's Avatar
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    I've been waiting for over a month with the tomes problem.

    I seem to remember a while back there was an admission that it could not be fixed. I haven't heard anything to suggest that has changed.

    It'd be nice to get confirmation of the situation.

  13. #13
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    Is it fixed yet?

    How can SSG think we will trust in them with money and time if they don´t fix this reincarnation issue that the game was build around?

    Takes years and years to build the trust of a company but small moments to make it all go away and this is what the staff is doing each minute they don´t fix it.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qlumsee View Post
    I seem to remember a while back there was an admission that it could not be fixed
    Absolute nonsense. Even if they can't fix it they can give you new tomes.

    There is no excuse for customer service being as bad as it is.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by embalmdk View Post
    I posted for help more than 6 days ago. Lost all stat and skill tomes. Would like to know if SSG actually supports players, 6 days is beyond being patient.

    Do you guys actually support the games or are you letting the games die?
    So have been submitting requests consistently, just so everyone can see how long support takes you can see a track record of reports here. I report every couple of days and what seems to be a BOT sends me an email but no one every addresses the issue.

    203358 ETR/TR bug 3 days ago 3 days ago Open
    202418 Tomes 7 days ago 7 days ago Open
    202202 Tomes 8 days ago 8 days ago Open
    201004 Still Tomes 10 days ago 10 days ago Open
    200789 Tomes 11 days ago 11 days ago Open
    200291 Tomes Disappeared 12 days ago 12 days ago Open
    200040 Lost Tomes/Tomes disappeared after TR/ETR 13 days ago 13 days ago Open
    198672 Tomes not registering after ETR/TR 18 days ago 15 days ago Open
    198037 Lost all stat and skill tomes after reincarnation 20 days ago 17 days ago Open
    196329 Tomes 1 month ago 22 days ago Open

  16. #16
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    I updated my ticket to include the dates I bought my +7 tome, +8 upgrade, and my +5 UMD tome. I did allllll the work they just need to put those in my guy's inventory. Any day now....
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    I updated my ticket to include the dates I bought my +7 tome, +8 upgrade, and my +5 UMD tome. I did allllll the work they just need to put those in my guy's inventory. Any day now....
    Don't hold your breath, their support is worthless.

  18. #18
    Community Member Stormslayer's Avatar
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    Default Would like to have my character back from Racial Reincarnation limbo!!

    This is the first time in 9+ years that i have ever had to post on here but frustrated with no response about getting my main toon out of reincarnation limbo. Somehow she missed the bus to get to the starter island when the client crashed. The message the character is already in the world is getting frustrating. I have tried every possible fix from logging into other toons to logging into a character on another server and the message is still the same. My hubby did his reincarnation with no issues and we have always done our tr's together so it really sucks. After all the money and vip status i just spent to get her up to speed with all the new content I just want my character back so i can play her!

  19. #19
    Community Member Qlumsee's Avatar
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    Default Time for SSG to come clean

    It's been over six weeks since I lost all my tomes on a toon, without even an acknowledgement. Some players have reported waiting over six months. I could be wrong, but I recall this was mentioned in a Wednesday broadcast as "unfixable at the time".

    What is the lead time on this problem? Is it unfixable? As a paying customer I have a right to know if the money I have paid into this toon was for a purchase, as described, or a "rental" of products. I won't get into the hundreds, possibly thousands, of hours I put into my toon.

    I currently have a problem with an energy supplier. When I phone them they tell me "my call is important" and how long I have to wait for a response. In my opinion, this sort of problem should be of the utmost importance to SSG. If this problem is unfixable then theoretically everyone's toons will suffer the missing tomes fate.

  20. #20
    Community Member Niflheimr's Avatar
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    Same problem here, my wife lost all her tome ...

    I don't understand why they don't at least acknowledge the problem, no answer at all is by far worse than "we know this problem but we can't solve it yet".

    The strangest part is, it happened maybe two year ago (so it's not really a new problem), but it was solve with a LR, they just send him a LR Heart +1 and it was solve (already tried the lr by ourself and it did not work) ...

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