COLLECTABLES I NEED ARE...... Most of these are lower tier collectables I want in large amounts
Will Pay 25k pp each for the Epic ones and 10k pp Each for the heroic ones Contact me ingame on Novavaxina or (Johnsonand) orsend private message here (which I will check nightly) I also have a suprlus of other collectables not listed below that I can trade or I have Shroud ingreds, Dragon scales, most types,
(History of Houses Never made anything that needed these, but building up the amount on the off chance they give crafting some Love one day!) same with a few others on list.
Flowering Spore pods
Flowering Hellscap
Bruised Spore Pod
Glass Phial
Silver Bowls
Runic Parchment
Intact Spore Pods
House Sealed Letters
Fragrant Drowshood
Encoded Communique EPIC
Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest
Adventuring Oraotia EPIC
Token of the Spider EPIC
Warehoue Ledger EPIC
Crypt Moss Worm (NOT LARVA) need worm