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  1. #21
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    Default Great Job DDO

    Great job on keeping this gaming going for 15 years and please give me another 15 years!

    *insert a bunch of smack talk about complainers and haters*

    *waits for said complainers and haters to berate me*

    Not many games last this long ....WoW being at the top of the list, and you want to talk about a crappy game with Devs that don't give a **** what you say, go play WoW

  2. #22
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garamoore View Post
    *insert a bunch of smack talk about complainers and haters*
    Well said.

    (The only semi-valid complaints would be from those who don't read the forums - but should.)

  3. #23
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garamoore View Post
    Great job on keeping this gaming going for 15 years and please give me another 15 years!

    *insert a bunch of smack talk about complainers and haters*

    *waits for said complainers and haters to berate me*

    Not many games last this long ....WoW being at the top of the list, and you want to talk about a crappy game with Devs that don't give a **** what you say, go play WoW
    wait, can there not be nuance? Does everything have to be black and white? If a game is good and enjoyable and long lasting and sets up a standard of practice than suddenly that practice changes (intentionally or by accident), are we not allowed to point that out? Must it be 100% praise all the time no matter what or go **** off? Really?

    I hope you don't interpret this as me being a hater berating you, I'm genuinely curious. Or am I too old and daft that your point just flew over my head?

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by vryxnr View Post
    wait, can there not be nuance? Does everything have to be black and white? If a game is good and enjoyable and long lasting and sets up a standard of practice than suddenly that practice changes (intentionally or by accident), are we not allowed to point that out? Must it be 100% praise all the time no matter what or go **** off? Really?

    I hope you don't interpret this as me being a hater berating you, I'm genuinely curious. Or am I too old and daft that your point just flew over my head?
    Right? I love these corporate boot lickers, so invested that they are willing to accept whatever garbage is shoved down their throats, and leap at any opportunity to defend them. Yeah I like the game, I play it. But my allegiance ends there. Why, because its a GAME! Its not a reason for me to instantly swat away any ideas that may shine a negative light on the company mistakes or practices. Like, back to back server shutdowns, or bugs (like a broken Arti pet since day 1). People are allowed to complain, and should complain, especially if they are paying patrons. Don't let these fullplate care bears dissuade you from voicing your opinion.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by vryxnr View Post
    wait, can there not be nuance? Does everything have to be black and white? If a game is good and enjoyable and long lasting and sets up a standard of practice than suddenly that practice changes (intentionally or by accident), are we not allowed to point that out? Must it be 100% praise all the time no matter what or go **** off? Really?

    I hope you don't interpret this as me being a hater berating you, I'm genuinely curious. Or am I too old and daft that your point just flew over my head?
    Not sure your age matters as I doubt you are much older than me, if older at all. However, I apologize for not being clear. I absolutely have 0 problems with people talking about issues in the game. But that's not complaining, that's conversation. All this complaining and hating and negativity helps no one. But hey, if it make you feel better, **** the devs, be a ****. Have at it.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by StarChi View Post
    Right? I love these corporate boot lickers, so invested that they are willing to accept whatever garbage is shoved down their throats, and leap at any opportunity to defend them. Yeah I like the game, I play it. But my allegiance ends there. Why, because its a GAME! Its not a reason for me to instantly swat away any ideas that may shine a negative light on the company mistakes or practices. Like, back to back server shutdowns, or bugs (like a broken Arti pet since day 1). People are allowed to complain, and should complain, especially if they are paying patrons. Don't let these fullplate care bears dissuade you from voicing your opinion.
    You are correct sir. You are allowed to complain and be a ****. Doesn't mean you have to. And corporate boot licker? lol wow ..don't get personal when you don't even know me.

  7. #27
    Community Member vryxnr's Avatar
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    Didn't think I was saying **** the devs and being a *****, just pointing out the problem and expressing my disappointment because I know they are better. I'm not the type to "have at it" as it were, and in fact I generally avoid the forums and most social media like the plague because of how toxic and all or nothing most users are. On the flip side (and perhaps this is biased due to companies I have worked with and for in the past skewing my view), if there is a problem or bug, and only a few people speak up about it and the company says "we are aware, no need to keep talking about it", then eventually a higher up will see it and say "only that few people complained about that issue, it must not be that big of an issue, it's not a priority, do other things instead", whereas if hundreds/thousands of people voice their complaints, action gets taken.

    I understand that sifting through the drivel of most forums is a pita and not the best place for legitimate complaints, but here we are. History has shown that threads addressing issues has gotten more traction and gotten more things fixed than relying only on the bug reporting tools.

  8. #28
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seph1roth5 View Post
    patch next week to fix the bug in this week's patch notes.
    I am sure that this time, SSG has learned that every Update should go to beta before being released on the main servers (doubly so during an HC season).

    j/k. Something about old dogs and new tricks is more likely ....

  9. #29
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    The game worlds have reopened.
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  10. #30
    Community Member MacDubh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vryxnr View Post
    wait, can there not be nuance? Does everything have to be black and white? If a game is good and enjoyable and long lasting and sets up a standard of practice than suddenly that practice changes (intentionally or by accident), are we not allowed to point that out? Must it be 100% praise all the time no matter what or go **** off? Really?

    I hope you don't interpret this as me being a hater berating you, I'm genuinely curious. Or am I too old and daft that your point just flew over my head?
    Don't be obtuse. You know perfectly well that the HCPs will hunt you down if you dare show dissent or anything less than TOTAL ENTHUSIASM. Pitchforks and burning torches. All from the Children of Light playbook.

    Read 'em and weep, cowboy.


  11. #31
    Community Member Seph1roth5's Avatar
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    I was more joking that the release notes themselves were bugged and needed a patch lol.
    Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.

  12. #32
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    Would be nice to get some clarification about the increased DP cost of some EA abilities.

    Since this wasn't mentioned in the update notes, it's a bug, right? I couldn't possibly imagine it being a stealth change, perhaps as payback for those players complaining incessantly about the repeated failures to fix wings from EA recharging.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowNut View Post
    Are you aware of a bug with Arti's not being able to mount their horses after running a quest?

    Since the update when you click to mount your horse you immediately dismount as if your runearm is charging. Mounts work fine until you exit a quest, then have to relog to use your horse again, until the next quest completes. Two of us in group this afternoon had this problem, both have Arti levels. Rest of the group had no issues.
    Yes I am having the same issue, this is not fun. Hope you read this and fix it quickly.

  14. #34
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerria View Post
    Yes I am having the same issue, this is not fun. Hope you read this and fix it quickly.
    Dev Tracker is your friend...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowNut View Post
    Are you aware of a bug with Arti's not being able to mount their horses after running a quest?

    Since the update when you click to mount your horse you immediately dismount as if your runearm is charging. Mounts work fine until you exit a quest, then have to relog to use your horse again, until the next quest completes. Two of us in group this afternoon had this problem, both have Arti levels. Rest of the group had no issues.
    Yes, we are working on a fix for this issue.
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  16. #36
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    Nm was taking along time to gog green

  17. #37
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    If you complain about bugs...and then complain about down time due to bug fixes, you should maybe have a talk with your other self.

    I don't mind the downtime to fix bugs at all and welcome them.

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