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  1. #1
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Default Am I missing something?

    So what's the point in running HC5 for those of us who ran HC1 and earned everything? Not only does giving out the same rewards remove the accomplishment of people who ran HC1, but it seems very lazy. So is this how its going to be from now on? Just giving out the same stuff every season? I get it, a bunch of people didn't bother with season one, and a bunch who did didn't succeed or just didn't care about the favor rewards and now want what others earned. From what I understood the rewards would be season specific with items being only available the season they came out, so that you really could feel like you accomplished something. but with the new season you can earn all the stuff from season 1 without the stress of season 1. Maybe I'm missing something, like somewhere it will say that the footprint color will be different or something, but i doubt it. I know I'm going to get a bunch of hate from people who didn't bother with season one and later realized that they wanted what other people had, and probably some hate from a few of the people who did actually earn the items but don't give a ****, but personally and I'm sure there are others that feel this way, I feel gipped, lied to, and annoyed. I guess if I missed an item in one of the other HC seasons all I have to do is wait and get it later. Seems as though it diminishes the drive to play HC for any of us who have ran a season before though.
    Like I said, maybe I missed something and I'm wrong, maybe the colors are different for the new stuff. Let me know.

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    Am I missing something?
    So what's the point...
    It's fun? I mean, it is for me - ymmv. <shrug>

  3. #3
    Community Member drathdragon's Avatar
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    some of you dont understand that is not only for the rewards..

    the feeling, the sensations you prove during the first days (and also later) of HCL are uneguagliable.
    it's like beeing in the first days of DDO once again.

    everybody helps , everybody values about items (even the cheapest ones), everybody worried about this, that quest.
    guilds that accepts new players, people who helps people with quests and advices..

    honestly i think is amazing.

  4. #4
    Community Member Shadowperson's Avatar
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    The cloaks are different, they have a V instead of an I

  5. #5
    Community Member sturmbb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    some of you dont understand that is not only for the rewards..

    the feeling, the sensations you prove during the first days (and also later) of HCL are uneguagliable.
    it's like beeing in the first days of DDO once again.

    everybody helps , everybody values about items (even the cheapest ones), everybody worried about this, that quest.
    guilds that accepts new players, people who helps people with quests and advices..

    honestly i think is amazing.
    I run for the enjoyment. the cosmetics while nice are just a bonus. I feel Live no longer gives me that enjoyment factor that HC does. Also i find on HC people run more as a group/team. On Live i find everyone just does there own thing (running off getting DA, springing traps, leaving mobs in there wake for other people to deal with etc).

  6. #6
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drathdragon View Post
    some of you dont understand that is not only for the rewards..

    the feeling, the sensations you prove during the first days (and also later) of HCL are uneguagliable.
    it's like beeing in the first days of DDO once again.

    everybody helps , everybody values about items (even the cheapest ones), everybody worried about this, that quest.
    guilds that accepts new players, people who helps people with quests and advices..

    honestly I think is amazing.
    Some of you don't understand that other people derive their enjoyment from the cosmetics, not just the HCL, and see the HCL as a secondary addition to the cosmetics they want.
    I see a people in this thread with different ideas as to what they find to be fun and enjoyable, but not everyone is wired the same. When the HC server was first made, it was sold as a fun way to earn cosmetics, not a fun way to play the same game we have played a thousand times over in just a different way.
    Honestly, if they had no cosmetics there are a lot of people who would just skip it. There are some of us who collect cosmetics and see the HCL as a interesting way to get new and rare cosmetics to bring home to their main server. I am one of those people, I enjoy the HCL but am mainly just there to get the cosmetics that are offered.
    Everyone has their own opinion, this just happens to be mine.

  7. #7
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    There are two motivations. To give old players new rewards to keep them interested, and to give new players a chance to get something that they see on the main servers and would like to get too. It isn't common in this game for things to be impossible to get. For example, I preorded the MoTU expansion and got a level 20 black panther gold seal hireling. People were so upset that they had promised to make it available for a limited time that they ended up making a blonde version and giving it away for free to everyone that had a VIP membership. They learned their lesson there. Never again promise to make something available only for a limited time.

    Simply put, the bloody footprints are too cool a cosmetic item to make them only available for a limited time. They should make a comeback on a regular basis for anyone who wants them. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have some additional cosmetic rewards for people like you (though it sounds like the cloak with the V instead of the I kind of does that). Perhaps Hardcore league could start offering all the rewards from all past leagues but you can only pick one. For example, if you get a character to level 20 you can pick any of the past and current rewards for getting a character to level 20 and if you want another one of them you have to get an additional character to level 20. Then they could add new rewards each season to keep people like you interested, while still allowing new additions to Hardcore to get rewards from past seasons.

  8. #8
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    There are two motivations. To give old players new rewards to keep them interested, and to give new players a chance to get something that they see on the main servers and would like to get too. It isn't common in this game for things to be impossible to get. For example, I preorded the MoTU expansion and got a level 20 black panther gold seal hireling. People were so upset that they had promised to make it available for a limited time that they ended up making a blonde version and giving it away for free to everyone that had a VIP membership. They learned their lesson there. Never again promise to make something available only for a limited time.

    Simply put, the bloody footprints are too cool a cosmetic item to make them only available for a limited time. They should make a comeback on a regular basis for anyone who wants them. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have some additional cosmetic rewards for people like you (though it sounds like the cloak with the V instead of the I kind of does that). Perhaps Hardcore league could start offering all the rewards from all past leagues but you can only pick one. For example, if you get a character to level 20 you can pick any of the past and current rewards for getting a character to level 20 and if you want another one of them you have to get an additional character to level 20. Then they could add new rewards each season to keep people like you interested, while still allowing new additions to Hardcore to get rewards from past seasons.
    Well, I dislike that they said the cosmetics would be exclusive. That was a lie. The only things they have said to walk it back at all was a few snarky comments about the people who earned them have had them for a year so that should be sufficient. If they did what you said about making the rewards a class specific sort of thing so like if you earned a cloak, you could choose any of the ones already offered, or if you earned a horse you could choose whichever one you liked. Honestly I would be ok with that, but only if they actually addressed the lie and said something along the lines of "hey, we didn't realize how popular the HC event would be and would really like to offer the items to everyone". Something along those lines would help immensely, its about as close to an apology as one would get from ssg. Maybe if they changed the color of the prints or actually made a different looking cloak, removing an I and adding a V as the only change is ridiculously lazy. Maybe then the people from season 1 would be ok with the offering of similar items. One of the problems I see is that there are other items in the last 4 seasons that people might want, so are we supposed to assume that they will be offering other seasons rewards as well whenever they feel too lazy to actually make something new? I know I personally missed the archon pet and would like to have it but I think that those who earned the pet should be able to have it without it being offered again. That's part of this game already, offering things at times when other people who either weren't there or didn't care at the time don't have. Take for example the founders items, they are pretty cool, well, when are they going to give them out to everyone again? why doesn't everyone get them now? I see them on the main servers and since I didn't start at the time they were given out, but I want them, why don't they give them to me? You see where I'm going with this?

  9. #9
    Community Member minorpenthes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    I get it, a bunch of people didn't bother with season one, and a bunch who did didn't succeed or just didn't care about the favor rewards and now want what others earned.
    Not quite accurate.

    Hardcore seasons one and two were restricted to VIP.

    If you were not VIP, then you could not participate. (And please, there are legitimate reasons people can not go VIP.)

    And honestly, the thought of getting a rehash of season one is not really attractive to me.

    I wanted a better mount than the Daelkyr steed, which I have, but personally think looks a bit wonky.

  10. #10
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    Well, I dislike that they said the cosmetics would be exclusive. That was a lie.

    They actually NEVER said that.

  11. #11
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    They actually NEVER said that.
    Yes they did. They then walked it back recently in a video.

  12. #12
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    Yes they did. They then walked it back recently in a video.

    Show me where they said that. I wait. NEVER said

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    Yes they did. They then walked it back recently in a video.
    Here you go -

    Quite clear that it was never promised as exclusive. The exclusivity was a DDO Forum myth. In any event, I'm thrilled to have joined the bloody footprint club. One of my favorite DDO accomplishments.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  14. #14
    Community Member balvix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    They actually NEVER said that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Here you go -

    Quite clear that it was never promised as exclusive. The exclusivity was a DDO Forum myth. In any event, I'm thrilled to have joined the bloody footprint club. One of my favorite DDO accomplishments.
    I answer the exclusivity of the cosmetics here in this thread, I don't want to go back over it again, but I'm tired of people denying that they said it. I wouldn't care so much but it annoys me that they are lazy enough that they changed nothing for this season and didn't even bother saying anything like hey, were sorry but we didn't realize hc was going to be popular enough that we would need to reoffer some of the cosmetics even though we said they were exclusive. Adding a V to a preexisting cloak is not really a change. I also feel that they could have at least changed the color of the prints and cloak and such, not a big ask and could have been applied really easily and given people that were here for season 1 and cared to take the time to get the cosmetics something to do this season. The other problem is it opens the door to future laziness. And lastly, what about everyone else who didn't earn things from past seasons, are they going to bring everything back? Or is this just for the people who whined on the forums that someone else had something they wanted?

  15. #15
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    The clip never says the rewards are exclusive. It says that some players feel they are exclusive. Your last question is also answered in the clip you provided a link for. It has nothing to do with Forum players it is the design philosophy specifically laid out in the interview. He tells you that he doesn't believe items should be exclusive because they are exclusionary for people who didn't have a chance to get them.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  16. #16
    Community Member dredre9987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by balvix View Post
    I answer the exclusivity of the cosmetics here in this thread, I don't want to go back over it again, but I'm tired of people denying that they said it. I wouldn't care so much but it annoys me that they are lazy enough that they changed nothing for this season and didn't even bother saying anything like hey, were sorry but we didn't realize hc was going to be popular enough that we would need to reoffer some of the cosmetics even though we said they were exclusive. Adding a V to a preexisting cloak is not really a change. I also feel that they could have at least changed the color of the prints and cloak and such, not a big ask and could have been applied really easily and given people that were here for season 1 and cared to take the time to get the cosmetics something to do this season. The other problem is it opens the door to future laziness. And lastly, what about everyone else who didn't earn things from past seasons, are they going to bring everything back? Or is this just for the people who whined on the forums that someone else had something they wanted?

    LMFAO you sir are top class.. NOWHERE DOES IT STATE THAT. Stop spewing lies and misinformation. It really will not help your case.

  17. #17
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    So this silly nit picking over exclusivity aside, the original point of this thread is why would a person with the season 1 rewards bother repeating a season.

    While I understand those who just enjoy the experience for the experience, for myself who has all of the rewards, and who chases such unique rewards, I find this lazy rehash of a season a missed opportunity.

    If the devs had not rushed this lazy attempted money grab out, if they had actually taken the time to tweak the same rewards to make them unique by changing the colors as people has suggested, I would have run this season for the new slightly tweaked re-colored rewards.

    And I would have spent the gobs of cash I do every season to ensure I gain said rewards. And so would all the people who missed the season one rewards but would be just as happy with a different color footsteps and cloak.

    Just as well, as I stated in a nother tread, I guess I don't need another bank toon with +8 tomes
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cernunan View Post
    If the devs had not rushed this lazy attempted money grab out, if they had actually taken the time to tweak the same rewards to make them unique by changing the colors as people has suggested, I would have run this season for the new slightly tweaked re-colored rewards.

    And I would have spent the gobs of cash I do every season to ensure I gain said rewards. And so would all the people who missed the season one rewards but would be just as happy with a different color footsteps and cloak.

    Just as well, as I stated in a nother tread, I guess I don't need another bank toon with +8 tomes
    Math doesn't support your reasoning. Since under 100 people got the S1 bloody footprints why would we cater to them versus the many, many others who didn't and will try to do so in this season? Far more money is spent by those characters than the original 97 (or whatever) would have spent. But as you said, it's just as well, you don't need another bank toon so it worked out well for everyone.

    I am Awesomesauce!

  19. #19
    The Hatchery Cernunan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal_Lannes View Post
    Math doesn't support your reasoning. Since under 100 people got the S1 bloody footprints why would we cater to them versus the many, many others who didn't and will try to do so in this season? Far more money is spent by those characters than the original 97 (or whatever) would have spent. But as you said, it's just as well, you don't need another bank toon so it worked out well for everyone.
    Or you could miss the point just to argue.
    If they had new visuals they would have both groups of people playing, getting more money. Now it's one or the other, not both
    Quote Originally Posted by nobodynobody1426 View Post
    If you look across all the changes it's basically a giant nerf to all the stuff we used to use while trying to force folks into theme based playstyles.
    Quote Originally Posted by PermaBanned View Post
    Profit quantity has been prioritized above product quality. (Note: this quote was from 2013, things never change)

  20. #20
    Community Member sturmbb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    LMFAO you sir are top class.. NOWHERE DOES IT STATE THAT. Stop spewing lies and misinformation. It really will not help your case.
    I must admit i have played all 5 seasons of Hardcore and not once did i think the rewards were exclusive. That is why i am always perplexed when people starting stating this nonsense about the rewards being exclusive. At this present moment in time nobody has been able to provide me with anything that states the rewards were exclusive.
    Even looking closely at the wording of the original Hardcore Season 1 information i cannot see anywhere that it maybe implies that the rewards are exclusive.

    If anyone is able to provide a link to some documentation were SSG have stated the rewards are exclusive i will happily agree, but at the moment I fully believe SSG never meant them to be exclusive as they have been burnt in the past when they have stated this (ie MOTU panther etc).

    Looking forward to any links people can send my way

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