Quote Originally Posted by Cernunan View Post
Or you could miss the point just to argue.
If they had new visuals they would have both groups of people playing, getting more money. Now it's one or the other, not both
I did not miss your point. I answered it. And I don't want green or blue footprints and I wanted (and got) bloody footprints. Your query has been answered in the very clip you linked.

Quote Originally Posted by sturmbb View Post
Looking forward to any links people can send my way
They can't. Not in this thread or the other one where this was discussed because it was never stated as exclusive and it has been covered in an actual YouTube video where the design philosophy against exclusivity is discussed. But it still won't convince some because it is now an urban myth. We can't dispel Forum DDO myths no matter how hard we try. Nothing more to say on the topic.