So what's the point in running HC5 for those of us who ran HC1 and earned everything? Not only does giving out the same rewards remove the accomplishment of people who ran HC1, but it seems very lazy. So is this how its going to be from now on? Just giving out the same stuff every season? I get it, a bunch of people didn't bother with season one, and a bunch who did didn't succeed or just didn't care about the favor rewards and now want what others earned. From what I understood the rewards would be season specific with items being only available the season they came out, so that you really could feel like you accomplished something. but with the new season you can earn all the stuff from season 1 without the stress of season 1. Maybe I'm missing something, like somewhere it will say that the footprint color will be different or something, but i doubt it. I know I'm going to get a bunch of hate from people who didn't bother with season one and later realized that they wanted what other people had, and probably some hate from a few of the people who did actually earn the items but don't give a ****, but personally and I'm sure there are others that feel this way, I feel gipped, lied to, and annoyed. I guess if I missed an item in one of the other HC seasons all I have to do is wait and get it later. Seems as though it diminishes the drive to play HC for any of us who have ran a season before though.
Like I said, maybe I missed something and I'm wrong, maybe the colors are different for the new stuff. Let me know.