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2 - My goal's to get as much Strikethrough as possible(im not a veteran but i know a bucnh of quests with plenty of aoe)
3 - Im running Premium atm (dunno if will ViP again), which locks me out of some races but i'd like the idea of a warforged cuz the *war flashbacks* enhancment + better power attack + Strikethrough. But i do have 5k points stored. i'll 100% have to buy aasimar or pay 1 vip tough, my main's an aasimar lvl 18 locked atm, i'll HTR her. Also thinking bout human if i need extra points on class enhancment trees and improved critical for the staff
4 - I was thinking Druid 8 for Dire bear cuz (Strikethrough), Rogue 3 for free feat + Strikethrough, And Barbarian 5/6. I need to have by lvl 7 the 3 rogue lvls for the free feat, but other than that. Was thinking barb 1 (early falchion use), druid 3(bear), rogue 3 (staff before 7) at the start, but i'll have to grab something other than natural figthning at 3 or go bear 3>barb1>rogue3
5 - For feats it would mostly be, Power attack (lvl 1), Natural figthning x3, THF x3
Tips? Sugestions? Corrections?