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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    It's less about forcing people to group up or bribing people to group. It's more about bringing the fewer players that do want to group together.

    If there are only a handful of those people in the right level range online (the range is too tight in heroics obviously for such a low population game) it's possible that none of them join. Ex not flagged this life, wilderness run too long if quest already started etc.

    The fact that most quests are only worth doing once is another game design that is anti-group. So if somebody already has done a quest that's only worth doing once xp wise, there is a low chance of them hitting the LFM.

  2. #22
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard1406 View Post
    It's less about forcing people to group up or bribing people to group. It's more about bringing the fewer players that do want to group together.

    If there are only a handful of those people in the right level range online (the range is too tight in heroics obviously for such a low population game) it's possible that none of them join. Ex not flagged this life, wilderness run too long if quest already started etc.

    The fact that most quests are only worth doing once is another game design that is anti-group. So if somebody already has done a quest that's only worth doing once xp wise, there is a low chance of them hitting the LFM.
    I wish that they would do away with flagging (at least for quests ) just let us jump into a chain in any order would eliminate the lockout headache

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Feb 2010


    Yup I'd really prefer it if nothing would reset during a TR, except that you can get new DP. Then one could get rid of the stupid reincarnation cache too.

    And maybe remove raid timer for raids in term of participating, keep loot lockout. So you could join and help filling a raid and get xp but not get any loot (nor get any passed to you).

  4. #24
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    What we really need are one or more of:
    • Mega server
    • Cross server grouping
    • Auto scaling players to match the lvl/power of group leader such that anyone can group with anyone of any lvl

    Until one or more of those happens, I doubt an xp bonus will make any difference. We need major systems changes to better support grouping.

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